Meeting documents

Wednesday 11th July, 2012 4.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
44  LA Nominations
  Cabinet Decision Record D120077 
  LA Nominations for Cabinet 
45  Economic Climate Update Report
  Cabinet Decision Record D120078 
46  Billingham Town Centre Regeneration
  Cabinet Decision Record D120079 
  Billingham Town Centre Regeneration Report 
  Appendix 1 
  Appendix 2 
  Appendix 3 
47  Teesdale
  Cabinet Decision Record D120080 
  App 1a 
  App 1b 
  App 1c 
48  Tackling Family Poverty
  Cabinet Decision Record D120081 
  Appendix 1 - Framework 
49  Quarter 4 and 2011/12 Year End Performance and 2011/12 Financial Outturn.
  Cabinet Decision Record D120082 
  App 1 - Council Plan Qtr 4 Master 
  App 2 - Adults Theme Summary 
  App 2 - Children and Young People Theme Summary 
  App 2 - Community Safety Theme Summary 
  App 2 - Corporate Health Theme Summary 
  App 2 - Culture and Leisure Theme Summary 
  App 2 - Economic Regen and Transport Theme Summary 
  App 2 - Environment and Housing Theme Summary 
  App 2 - H&H Theme 
  App 3 - RIPA Q4 Reporting 
  App 4 - EIT Update 
50  Minutes of Various Bodies
  Cabinet Decision Record D120083 
  Appendix 1 
  Appendix 2 
  Appendix 3 
  Appendix 4 
  Appendix 5 
  Appendix 6 
51  'Troubled Families' Programme - Delivery Proposals
  Cabinet Decision Record D120084 
52  Stockton-on-Tees Local Plan: Regeneration and Environment Local Development Document (LDD) and Draft Shop Fronts and Advertisements Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
  Cabinet Decision Record D120085 
  Cabinet Report 
  Appendix 1 Regeneration & Environment LDD 
  Appendix 2 Shop Fronts and Advertisements SPD 
  Regeneration & Environment Sustainability Appraisal 
  Regeneration & Environment Habitats Regulations Assessment 
  Draft Infrastructure Strategy 
  Shop Fronts and Advertisements SPD Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Assessment 
  Regeneration & Environment Consultation Statement 
53  Localism Act 2011 (-the Act-) - A New Code of Conduct for Local Authority Members
  Cabinet Decision Record D120086 
  Appendix 1 
  Appendix 2 LGA 
  Appendix 2 CLG 
  Appendix 3 Briefing Note 
  Appendix 3 
  Appendix 4