Agenda and minutes

Safer Stockton Partnership - Wednesday 17th July, 2024 9.00 am

Venue: Meeting Room 1, Jim Cooke Conference Suite, Stockton Central Libary, Church Road, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1TU

Contact: Democratic Services Support Officer - John Devine 

No. Item


Evacuation Procedure pdf icon PDF 42 KB


The Evacuation Procedure was noted by Members.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To approve the minutes for the last meeting held on Thursday 30th May 2024


The Minutes of the meeting held Thursday 30th May 2024 were agreed as a true record.


Knife Crime Prevention


Members agreed that due to Officers being unable to attend the meeting that the Knife Crime Prevention report be deferred to another meeting.


PCC Presentation pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Partnership was presented with a Presentation by the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), in the presentation the six key aims of the PCC were outlined. Members discussed each of the sections highlighted in the presentation.

Deliver More Visible & Effective Policing.

Members expressed their support for more visible and effective policing but questioned if funding would be available for more Police. Officers explained that following the Annual General Meeting for PCCs a comprehensive spending review would be taking place, it was hoped following the review greater funding would be allocated. Officers from the PCCs office stated they were committed to making sure that Cleveland got its fair share of any funding.

Members committed to working alongside the Police, with the Councils Community Safety Teams to help plug the gap until more Police were available.

Reduce Crime, Antisocial Behaviour and Harm.

The Issue of Off-Road Bikes and E Scooters were the most common talking points in this section, with Members noting that these issues are often amplified by social media complaints.

Officers noted the concerns of members and highlighted the work being done by Police to tackle these issues. The difficulties that the Police face in tackling the use of Off-Road Bikes was discussed, stopping and seizing a bike while in use is the most dangerous course of action for all involved. Police had been working to promote the various ways the public can report information on the location of where the bikes are stored. And ensure that there would be a confidential way to pass the information on to the Police as well.

It was acknowledged that in real terms Anti-Social Behaviour had reduced but that the public perception was that it was increasing. Officers and members suggested that this could be tackled by more positive messaging through social media, highlighting good work being done in the local area.

Improve Safety for Women and Girls.

The PCCs Office had spoken to local partners who had felt they hadn’t been fully utilised in the past. The local partners were keen to expand their input into these issues and be more effective. 

Members expressed their opinion that the local area had excellent partners that provide excellent services and supported them being utilised more. Members were also keen that any domestic abuse work done would be gender neutral, as Stockton Councils own strategies were. It was acknowledged that women make up the majority of reported cases of domestic abuse, but members did not want to minimise the impact on male victims.

Build Trust & Confidence in Policing & the Criminal Justice System.

To build trust and confidence work had already been undertaken to promote through social media the good work being done around the local area. Promoting stories of successful work done and positive case handling done by the Police were also suggested. Letting members of the public know about Cleveland Police practices being used as examples of best practise by other areas, for example the Custody Navigator scheme ran by Cleveland Police being studied  ...  view the full minutes text for item SSP/1624


Recorded Crime & Disorder Report pdf icon PDF 316 KB


Officers presented the Recorded Crime and Disorder Report with Members, they noted several sections of the report for members. These were as follows:

·         The Road Safety Team were focusing on an increase in the numbers of death due to driving.

·         Weapon offences had decreased by 18.5%

·         A ward survey had taken place with over 800 responders which identified three main areas of concerns. Anti-Social Behaviour, Drugs and Burglary.

·         A engagement day had been held in Stockton for Operation Artemis with the reporting of arrest figures in real time being discussed.

·         There had been a 3% reduction in residential burglary in the year-to-year statistics.

Members of the partnership were pleased by the high number of people who had responded to the ward surveys. Also discussed was the use of social media and how Police would be utilising it to promote the work that Police had done.

Members Agreed to note the report.


Performance Monitoring


This section of the agenda was covered in the subheadings below this item.


Operation Harmony Update


A report on Operation Harmony would be available to members for the next meeting of the partnership. However, Officers were able to point out several key points that would be covered in more depth in the report.

Residents were more confident that they were being listened to by authorities.

There has been a noted increase in the levels of trust between sex workers and the Police. Officers describe seeing the green shoots of a stronger community coming through but acknowledges residents’ fears of a regression following if Operation Harmony was stopped too soon.

Members AGREED to note the update.


Safer Streets 5 Update


Members were made aware that some funding had been made available for further lighting in the Councils town centres.

Members agreed to note the update.


Prevent (CT) Update


Officers gave members a brief update of an event held in Liverpool which aimed to introduce ways to help divert people to away from extremism, through guidance for young people.

Members agreed to not the update.


Any Other Business


Members updated other Partners that a board and constitution had now been put in place for the Street Angels organisation. But they were waiting until the organisation had been fully registered before calling for volunteers.


Members noted the update.


iQuanta Report


Members were presented with a restricted report that provided an overview on crime comparisons against other similar CSPs utilising iQuanta.

This report was a restricted document due to the statistical information only made available as an intelligence tool for partnerships until released by the Home Office.

AGREED that the report be noted.


Bleed Cabinet Discussion


Members were presented with a restricted report that provided an update on the discussion on the Bleed Cabinet item.