Agenda item

PCC Presentation


The Partnership was presented with a Presentation by the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), in the presentation the six key aims of the PCC were outlined. Members discussed each of the sections highlighted in the presentation.

Deliver More Visible & Effective Policing.

Members expressed their support for more visible and effective policing but questioned if funding would be available for more Police. Officers explained that following the Annual General Meeting for PCCs a comprehensive spending review would be taking place, it was hoped following the review greater funding would be allocated. Officers from the PCCs office stated they were committed to making sure that Cleveland got its fair share of any funding.

Members committed to working alongside the Police, with the Councils Community Safety Teams to help plug the gap until more Police were available.

Reduce Crime, Antisocial Behaviour and Harm.

The Issue of Off-Road Bikes and E Scooters were the most common talking points in this section, with Members noting that these issues are often amplified by social media complaints.

Officers noted the concerns of members and highlighted the work being done by Police to tackle these issues. The difficulties that the Police face in tackling the use of Off-Road Bikes was discussed, stopping and seizing a bike while in use is the most dangerous course of action for all involved. Police had been working to promote the various ways the public can report information on the location of where the bikes are stored. And ensure that there would be a confidential way to pass the information on to the Police as well.

It was acknowledged that in real terms Anti-Social Behaviour had reduced but that the public perception was that it was increasing. Officers and members suggested that this could be tackled by more positive messaging through social media, highlighting good work being done in the local area.

Improve Safety for Women and Girls.

The PCCs Office had spoken to local partners who had felt they hadn’t been fully utilised in the past. The local partners were keen to expand their input into these issues and be more effective. 

Members expressed their opinion that the local area had excellent partners that provide excellent services and supported them being utilised more. Members were also keen that any domestic abuse work done would be gender neutral, as Stockton Councils own strategies were. It was acknowledged that women make up the majority of reported cases of domestic abuse, but members did not want to minimise the impact on male victims.

Build Trust & Confidence in Policing & the Criminal Justice System.

To build trust and confidence work had already been undertaken to promote through social media the good work being done around the local area. Promoting stories of successful work done and positive case handling done by the Police were also suggested. Letting members of the public know about Cleveland Police practices being used as examples of best practise by other areas, for example the Custody Navigator scheme ran by Cleveland Police being studied by other forces.

Ensure the Right Support for Victims & Vulnerable People.

Members discussed with Officers the second bullet point of the section, as those experiencing homelessness, substance misuse and mental health issues had historically experienced stigma. And all partners were committed to ensuring that wouldn’t be repeated with this aim.

Tackle Offending & Re-Offending.

Members were agreed on the importance of tackling offending and re offending, the PCC had already undertaken a number of out reach programmes and provided funding to other programmes aimed at early intervention.

Members AGREED to note the update.

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