Agenda and minutes

Statutory Licensing Sub Committee - Tuesday 23rd July, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Jim Cooke Conference Suite, Stockton Central Library, Municiapl Buildings, Church Road, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1TU

Contact: Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Evacuation Procedure pdf icon PDF 9 KB


The evacuation procedure was noted.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the meetings which were held on 8 August and 7 September 2023 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

For signature.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Statutory Licensing Sub Committee meetings held on 8 August and 7 September 2023 be signed as a correct record.



Additional documents:


Members of the Statutory Licensing Sub Committee of the Council’s Statutory Licensing Committee were asked to consider an application for Grant of a Premise Licence for Akshayan Convenience Store – 13 Rochester Road, Stockton on Tees.


The Chair introduced all persons who were present and explained the procedure to be followed during the hearing.


A copy of the report and supporting documents had been provided to all persons present and to Members of the Committee. All parties present were given the opportunity to make representation.


Members of the Statutory Licensing Sub Committee of the Council’s Statutory Licensing Committee considered the above application, full details of which appeared before Members in their committee papers.


The Committee noted that the application was for the grant of a Premises Licence as detailed in the application appended to the Committee report.


Mr Shan who was representing Mr Rajaruban was given the opportunity to explain to the Committee that he himself was experienced in running fuel stations and convenience stores across the UK since becoming a retailer in 1999. The Committee understood that Mr Shan was Mr Rajaruban’s previous employer and that was why he was representing him today.


Mr Shan informed Members that Mr Rajaruban had worked at fuel stations for seven years and had never experienced any issues. Mr Shan expressed Mr Rajaruban’s wished to engage with the community and protect children from alcohol and age restricted products, as he was a family man with three young boys himself.


Mr Shan assured the Committee that Mr Rajaruban had always complied with the requirements of the relevant legislation and policies and would be a responsible retailer. Mr Shan informed the Committee that in the premises that Mr Rajaruban had worked at, he had never failed a test purchase in relation to the sale of alcohol or other age restricted products.


Mr Shan advised the Committee that an extensive list of conditions had been agreed with Cleveland Police, which demonstrated that the premises would be run in a responsible manner and would not undermine the licensing objectives. The premises had an extensive CCTV system including audio recording and would operate a Challenge 25 policy to ensure that there were no underage sales of alcohol.


In response to the Committee’s questions, Mr Shan confirmed that he was not in any way connected with the business and was simply supporting Mr Rajaruban as his representative and friend.


Mr Shan told the Committee that Mr Rajaruban did not take the law lightly and was a fit and capable person to hold a licence.


Mr Shan confirmed to the Committee that Mr Rajaruban wished to amend his application in order that the hours for the supply of alcohol was from 9:00 hours until 22:00 hours Monday to Sunday in line with the Council’s Licensing Policy.


Councillors were given an opportunity to ask questions of the applicant.


The Committee read and had regard to a representation received from a resident who lived nearby and who wished to object to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item SLS/4/24



Additional documents:


Members of the Statutory Licensing Sub Committee of the Councils Statutory Licensing Committee were asked to consider an application for a variation of a premise licence for The Keys – 65-67 High Street, Yarm, Stockton-On-Tees, to which there had been representations from Responsible Authorities and Local Ward Councillor, representing residents


The Chair introduced all persons who were present and explained the procedure to be followed during the hearing.


A copy of the report and supporting documents had been provided to all persons present and to Members of the Committee.


Members of the Statutory Licensing Sub Committee of the Council’s Statutory Licensing Committee considered the above variation application, full details of which appeared before Members in their committee papers.


The Sub-Committee noted that the application was for the variation of a premises licence as detailed in the application appended to the Sub-Committee report, in summary:-


1. to vary the conditions relating to door staff;


2. to extend the finishing time by one hour for an additional four times per year (an increase from eight to twelve times per year) and;


3. to extend the operational time by one hour when British Summer Time starts.


The Committee heard that there had been no objections relating to the first and the third requested variations.


The Applicant Ms Powell explained to the Sub-Committee that the premises was rarely opened as a night club now; the last time they did this was on 5th May 2024, for the bank holiday weekend. The Sub-Committee heard from the Applicant that The Keys used to have the monopoly in Yarm, however there were now other premises that were also open until 2:00am.


Ms Powell told the Sub-Committee that the current premises licence allowed them to extend their finishing time by one hour, eight times per year, on a Friday or Saturday (the premises must give 14 days’ notice of this to the licensing authority). Ms Powell therefore confirmed to the Sub-Committee that the variation application was to increase the number of times per year that the premises can do this, from eight to twelve times per year.


The Sub-Committee heard from Ms Powell that last year, each of the eight extended finishing times were utilised in December for events such as well-known DJ sets, giving The Keys an opportunity to compete with other premises and attract customers.


Assistant General Manager & Designated Premises Supervisor, Mr Taylor advised the Sub-Committee that the night club landscape had changed; custom was decreasing as additional premises nearby now opened later, leaving The Keys at a commercial disadvantage. The reason therefore for the variation request to increase the number of times per year that the premises could extend their finishing time was to allow more high profile events to take place, giving The Keys an opportunity to compete with other premises.


With regard to a suggestion that there were noise issues alleged at the weekend around the 10th June 2024, the Sub-Committee heard from Ms Powell that the premises had not been opened as  ...  view the full minutes text for item SLS/5/24