Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday 8th November, 2023 1.30 pm

Venue: The Auditorium, Stockton Baptist Church, The Square, Stockton on Tees,TS18 1TE

Contact: Sarah Whaley  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Evacuation Procedure pdf icon PDF 9 KB


The Evacuation Procedure was noted.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Planning Protocol pdf icon PDF 43 KB


The Planning Protocol was noted.


23/1406/LA 2 Speeton Close, Billingham, Stockton-On-Tees Change of use from residential dwelling (C3) to a children’s care home (C2) pdf icon PDF 234 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to Planning application 23/1406/LA 2 Speeton Close, Billingham, Stockton-On-Tees. Change of use from residential dwelling (C3) to a children’s care home (C2)


The application site was a detached four-bedroom two storey dwellinghouse within the defined settlement limits and was approximately 1.3 miles north east of Billingham Town Centre.


The application was seeking planning permission for the change of use of 2 Speeton Close, Billingham from a four-bedroom dwellinghouse(Use Class C3) to a children’s home (Use Class C2). The site benefitted from off street parking, detached garage and a rear private amenity space.


The proposed children’s home would provide accommodation for a maximum of three children between the ages of 7 and 17 years with 24-hour adult support, provided on a shift basis. Three members of staff would be present at the premises one being an Ofsted registered manager Monday- Friday between 9am- 5pm. 2 staff members would be present overnight.


As part of the change of use the existing rear ground floor study window would be replaced with a door.


Following the consultation process there had been 95 letters of objection received and 2 letters of support. The majority of objections related to highway issues including increase in the volume of traffic and off-street parking, noise, privacy, anti-social behaviour/crime, impact on character and appearance of the street scene and the community.


The consultees that had been notified and the comments that had been received were detailed within the main report.


Neighbours were notified and the comments received were detailed within the main report.


The planning policies and material planning considerations that were relevant to the consideration of the application were contained within the main report.


The Planning Officers report concluded that for the reasons outlined within the main report, it was recommended that the application be approved with conditions.


Members were presented with an update report which since the original report detailed further comments which had been received from Councillor Clare Gamble, Councillor Marc Besford, and 3 local residents.


In summary the comments raised concerns regarding the location of the use, anti-social behaviour, ability to control residents, security recommendations from Cleveland Police and inadequate parking facilities at the property which would lead to highway safety concerns which had been set out in the original report. Whilst it was noted the comments raised concerns regarding obstructions for emergency services and dangerous on street car parking with a need for these to be conditioned, unfortunately on street car parking was not within the gift for the Local Planning Authority to control outside of the considerations of the proposed planning application.


In respect of ensuring adequate incurtilage car parking would remain at the property, this could be secured by a condition as follows:


Incurtilage Carparking

The development hereby approved shall retain a minimum of 5 incurtilage car parking spaces via the existing driveway in accordance with SPD3: Parking Provision for Developments 2011. The parking provision shall be retained thereafter for the lifetime of the development.


A Member of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item P/30/23


23/1340/LA Preston Park, Preston Hall Museum, Yarm Road, Eaglescliffe Extension to museum building and extension/alterations to south car park, new landscaping, substation, and other associated works. pdf icon PDF 387 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman of the Planning Committee agreed to hear the officers report, public representations, and member debate in relation to items 23/1340/LA and 23/1341/LBC, as one, as both items related to the same development.


The Planning Officer outlined planning application 23/1340/LA Preston Park, Preston Hall Museum, Yarm Road, Eaglescliffe Extension to museum building and extension/alterations to south car park, new landscaping, substation, and other associated works along with planning application 23/1341/LBC Preston Park, Preston Hall Museum , Yarm Road, Eaglescliffe Listed Building Consent for proposed extension to museum building and other associated works.


Planning application 23/1340/LA sought planning permission for an extension to the existing museum building and the extension of the south car park at Preston Park.


Planning application 23/1341/LBC sought listed building consent for an extension to the existing museum building and other associated works at Preston Hall Museum.


The proposed development would enhance the existing offer and visitor experience at Preston Park Museum by providing new space which allowed the museum to display a more significant proportion of its collection and accommodate touring exhibitions. Whilst in an out-of-centre location, the proposed development represented the expansion of an existing established tourism development. It would not be feasible to provide the additional museum space in any other location as it would not be able to perform the same role and function in terms of enhancing the existing attraction by increasing the amount of its collection which could be on display at any one time. The proposal would enhance the visitor experience for both local residents and tourists from further afield and strengthen the attraction’s local distinctiveness and unique history.


It had been demonstrated that the development would generate a range of significant benefits. These included the ability to accommodate national touring exhibitions, creating unique open collection stores, enhancing the overall visitor experience, creating additional opportunities for adult and school learning, and generating new jobs through both the operational and construction phases. The proposed expansion would also give greater opportunities for visitors to explore and understand the importance of Stockton’s history and aimed to transform the park into a cohesive attraction for visitors to enjoy its rich heritage.


The Local Plan designated the wider site as open space and forming part of a green wedge, setting out a number of criteria against which proposals in such areas should be considered. However, there would be no significant harm to the character and appearance of the area or nature conservation interests and as such the proposed development on the site was acceptable in principle.


The proposals were also considered acceptable in terms of impact on character, highways, ecology and flooding it was concluded that the proposals were in broad accordance with the development plan, when considered as a whole.


Overall, it was considered that the development comprised sustainable development, when considered in the context of the NPPF when taken as a whole. Furthermore, whilst the development would result in harm to the setting of the existing Grade II listed Preston Hall, this  ...  view the full minutes text for item P/31/23


23/1341/LBC Preston Park, Preston Hall Museum , Yarm Road, Eaglescliffe Listed Building Consent for proposed extension to museum building and other associated works. pdf icon PDF 212 KB

Additional documents:


See minute P/31/23 above in respect of planning application 23/1341/LBC

Preston Park, Preston Hall Museum , Yarm Road, Eaglescliffe

Listed Building Consent for proposed extension to museum building and other associated works.


A vote took place and the application was approved.


RESOLVED that planning application 23/1341/LBC be approved subject to the following conditions and informatives;


Time Limit

01 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of Three years from the date of this permission.


Approved Plans


02 The development hereby approved shall be in accordance with the following approved plan(s);


Plan Reference Number    Date Received


NE8703-RYD-E-ZZ-DR-A-3711-S2-P1    17 July 2023

NE8703-RYD-E-ZZ-DR-A-3800-P6          17 July 2023

NE8703-RYD-00-XX-DR-L-2111-S2-P5   2 October 2023

 NE8703-RYD-00-XX-DR-L-2101-S2-P13         2 October 2023

NE8703-RYD-00-XX-DR-L-2105-S2-P11          2 October 2023

NE8703-RYD-00-XX-DR-L-2110-S2-P9  2 October 2023

NE8703-RYD-00-XX-DR-L-2112-S2-P7  2 October 2023

NE8703-RYD-00-XX-DR-L-2130-S2-P6  2 October 2023

NE8703-RYD-00-ZZ-DR-L-2700-S2-P5   2 October 2023

NE8703-RYD-E-00-DR-A-3010-S2-P4    2 October 2023

NE8703-RYD-E-01-DR-A-3011-S2-P3    2 October 2023

NE8703-RYD-E-ZZ-DR-A-3130-S2-P3    2 October 2023

NE8703-RYD-E-ZZ-DR-A-3600-D2-P9    2 October 2023

 NE8703-RYD-E-ZZ-DR-A-3710-S2-P3    2 October 2023

NE8703-RYD-00-ZZ-DR-A-4900-S3-P2  27 October 2023


Making good of retained fabric

03 All new external works and finishes and works of making good to the retained fabric of the existing building, shall match the existing original work adjacent in respect of methods, detailed execution and finished appearance unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority


16 – Archaeological Monitoring

A condition has been recommended by Tees Archaeology in relation to the carrying out of archaeological monitoring. The following wording has been agreed between Tees Archaeology and the applicant:


A) No excavation of the service trenches shall commence until a programme of archaeological monitoring work for the excavation of service trenches including a Written Scheme of Investigation has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority in writing. The scheme shall include an assessment of significance and research questions; and:

1. The programme and methodology of site investigation and recording

2. The programme for post investigation assessment

3. Provision to be made for analysis of the site investigation and recording

4. Provision to be made for publication and dissemination of the analysis and records of the site investigation

5. Provision to be made for archive deposition of the analysis and records of the site investigation

6. Nomination of a competent person or persons/organisation to undertake the works set out within the Written Scheme of Investigation.


B) No excavation of service trenches shall take place other than in accordance with the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under condition (A).


C) The development shall not be occupied until the site investigation and post investigation assessment has been completed in accordance with the programme set out in the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under condition (A) and the provision made for analysis, publication and dissemination of results and archive deposition has been secured.


17 – Historic Building Recording

The following wording has been agreed in relation to a condition for the building recording:


A) No demolition/development shall take place other than in accordance with the approved Written Scheme of Investigation by Pre-Construct Archaeology Limited, dated October 2023.


B)  ...  view the full minutes text for item P/32/23


22/1656/FUL Manor Farm , Back Lane, Egglescliffe Demolition of agricultural buildings and erection of 4no dwellinghouses, together with landscaping pdf icon PDF 357 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to planning application 22/1656/FUL Manor Farm , Back Lane, Egglescliffe, Demolition of agricultural buildings and erection of 4no dwellinghouses, together with landscaping.


The application sought planning permission for the creation of 4 dwellings with associated car parking and landscaping, along with the demolition of existing agricultural buildings.


The main planning considerations of the application were the compliance of the proposal with national and local planning policy, the impacts upon the character and appearance of the area, impact on heritage assets including listed buildings and the Egglescliffe Conservation Area, highway safety, flood risk, ecology and other material planning considerations.


There had been a number of objections to the application mainly relating to the traffic implications and highway safety and 3 letters of support had also been received. Concerns had been raised by the Highways Transport and Design Manager from a landscape standpoint and also the Historic Buildings Officer and these concerns had been considered in full within the report.


It was noted that the site benefitted from a previous approval for 12 dwellings which included the redevelopment of redundant farm sites for 12 no. dwellinghouses and restoration of listed building (ref; 15/1790/FUL). In 2020 permission was also granted for the erection of 4no. detached dwelling houses around the old hall and associated works with restoration of the Old Hall to include the erection of a single storey extension to side (ref; 20/2296/FUL). This latter consent was currently being implemented.


The impacts of the proposal had been considered against national and local planning guidance and the development as proposed was considered to be in line with general planning policies set out in the local Plan. The proposal was also considered acceptable in terms of highway safety, did not significantly adversely impact on the neighbouring properties, heritage assets (including listed buildings and the character of the conservation area), ecology, archaeology, flooding and was therefore recommended for approval with conditions as set out below.


The consultees that had been notified and the comments that had been received were detailed within the main report.


Neighbours were notified and the comments received were detailed within the main report.


The planning policies and material planning considerations that were relevant to the consideration of the application were contained within the main report.


The Planning Officers report concluded that it was recommended that the application be approved with conditions as detailed within the main report.


Supporters of the application attended the meeting and were given the opportunity to make representation. Their comments could be summarised as follows;


. The current farm buildings were not fit for modern working farms and much needed to be done to support farmers.


. Tasteful buildings would replace the old farm buildings.


. The original approved application had proposed more houses than this application; therefore, this application was a much better option.


. The development was a great use of a brown field site.


. Traffic concerns which had been raised during the construction phase could be managed effectively.


The Applicants  ...  view the full minutes text for item P/33/23