The Chairman of the Planning Committee agreed to hear the officers report, public representations, and member debate in relation to items 23/1340/LA and 23/1341/LBC, as one, as both items related to the same development.
The Planning Officer outlined planning application 23/1340/LA Preston Park, Preston Hall Museum, Yarm Road, Eaglescliffe Extension to museum building and extension/alterations to south car park, new landscaping, substation, and other associated works along with planning application 23/1341/LBC Preston Park, Preston Hall Museum , Yarm Road, Eaglescliffe Listed Building Consent for proposed extension to museum building and other associated works.
Planning application 23/1340/LA sought planning permission for an extension to the existing museum building and the extension of the south car park at Preston Park.
Planning application 23/1341/LBC sought listed building consent for an extension to the existing museum building and other associated works at Preston Hall Museum.
The proposed development would enhance the existing offer and visitor experience at Preston Park Museum by providing new space which allowed the museum to display a more significant proportion of its collection and accommodate touring exhibitions. Whilst in an out-of-centre location, the proposed development represented the expansion of an existing established tourism development. It would not be feasible to provide the additional museum space in any other location as it would not be able to perform the same role and function in terms of enhancing the existing attraction by increasing the amount of its collection which could be on display at any one time. The proposal would enhance the visitor experience for both local residents and tourists from further afield and strengthen the attraction’s local distinctiveness and unique history.
It had been demonstrated that the development would generate a range of significant benefits. These included the ability to accommodate national touring exhibitions, creating unique open collection stores, enhancing the overall visitor experience, creating additional opportunities for adult and school learning, and generating new jobs through both the operational and construction phases. The proposed expansion would also give greater opportunities for visitors to explore and understand the importance of Stockton’s history and aimed to transform the park into a cohesive attraction for visitors to enjoy its rich heritage.
The Local Plan designated the wider site as open space and forming part of a green wedge, setting out a number of criteria against which proposals in such areas should be considered. However, there would be no significant harm to the character and appearance of the area or nature conservation interests and as such the proposed development on the site was acceptable in principle.
The proposals were also considered acceptable in terms of impact on character, highways, ecology and flooding it was concluded that the proposals were in broad accordance with the development plan, when considered as a whole.
Overall, it was considered that the development comprised sustainable development, when considered in the context of the NPPF when taken as a whole. Furthermore, whilst the development would result in harm to the setting of the existing Grade II listed Preston Hall, this was considered to be less than substantial, which would be outweighed by the public benefits of the scheme.
The consultees that had been notified and the comments that had been received were detailed within the main report.
Neighbours were notified and the comments received were detailed within the main report.
The planning policies and material planning considerations that were relevant to the consideration of the application were contained within the main report.
The Planning Officers report concluded that for the reasons outlined within the report, it was recommended that planning applications 23/1340/LA and 23/1341/LBC be approved with conditions.
Members were presented with an update report for application 23/1340/LA which since the original report , required some changes and amendments to conditions which were required following dialogue with the applicant and consultees, full details of which were contained within the update report.
Members were also presented with an update report for application 23/1341/LBC which since the original report, some additional conditions were required following comments from Tees Archaeology full details of which were contained within the update report.
Members were given the opportunity to ask questions / make comments. These could be summarised as follows: -
. There were 7 to 8 individual elements which made up the Preston Park scheme and local residents were feeling that it would have been appropriate to have the opportunity to understand the extent of the work and when it would take place, to help them understand the priorities of each stage of the development.
. It was felt that the public toilets and baby changing facilities should be a priority as well as changing, shower and locker room facilities. It appeared that there were no drawings available to peruse to allow people to see what they may look like.
. The proposed additional car parking allocation was not enough, there was a need for repairs to existing equipment and the café required an improved seating area for parents supervising children in the adjacent play area as well as a proposal for the old railway structure. All of these minor elements needed addressing prior to the proposed development of the museum.
. Preston Hall was one of the remaining icons in Teesside’s history and the hub of English engineering producing wealth and the hall was a reminder of that.
A motion was proposed and seconded that the application be deferred to a future meeting of the Planning Committee due to a lack of information.
A vote took place, and the motion was not carried.
. A visualisation was requested regarding how the front of the hall would look with the extension.
. Clarity was sought as to whether a formal consultation had been undertaken correctly with local residents.
. There were too many ifs and buts with both these applications.
. Questions were raised as to why officers from the Town Centres team were not present to answer queries.
Officers were given the opportunity to respond to comments/issues raised. Their responses could be summarised as follows: -
. Officers explained that the application in front of the Committee was for an extension to Preston Hall and extension / alterations to the south car park. Other elements of the park would come forward at a later date. Officers also stated that they could ask for the additional elements to come forward as a priority.
. In terms of visualisation, it was explained to the Committee that the original porch and conservatory would remain, and the extension would be built to the side of the hall.
. Public consultation was carried in accordance with current procedure.
. In terms of highways the additional 100 spaces for car parking was deemed adequate. Calculations for additional car parking spaces would include length of time spent at the park, therefore 100 additional spaces would accommodate more than 100 cars as people would come and go during the day.
A vote took place, and the application was approved.
RESOLVED that planning application 23/1340/LA be approved subject to the following conditions and informatives:
Time Limit
01 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of Three years from the date of this permission.
Approved Plans
02 The development hereby approved shall be in accordance with the following approved plan(s);
Plan Reference Number Date Received
NE8703-RYD-00-XX-DR-L-2111-S2-P5 2 October 2023
NE8703-RYD-00-XX-DR-L-2101-S2-P13 2 October 2023
NE8703-RYD-00-XX-DR-L-2105-S2-P11 2 October 2023
NE8703-RYD-00-XX-DR-L-2110-S2-P9 2 October 2023
NE8703-RYD-00-XX-DR-L-2112-S2-P7 2 October 2023
NE8703-RYD-00-XX-DR-L-2130-S2-P6 2 October 2023
NE8703-RYD-00-ZZ-DR-L-2700-S2-P5 2 October 2023
NE8703-RYD-E-00-DR-A-3010-S2-P4 2 October 2023
NE8703-RYD-E-01-DR-A-3011-S2-P3 2 October 2023
NE8703-RYD-E-ZZ-DR-A-3130-S2-P3 2 October 2023
NE8703-RYD-E-ZZ-DR-A-3600-D2-P9 2 October 2023
NE8703-RYD-E-ZZ-DR-A-3710-S2-P3 2 October 2023
NE8703-RYD-E-ZZ-DR-A-3711-S2-P1 17 July 2023
NE8703-RYD-E-ZZ-DR-A-3800-P6 17 July 2023
NE8703-BGP-01-ZZ-DR-C-52-01130_P07 16 October 2023
NE8703-BGP-01-ZZ-DR-C-52-01131_P02 16 October 2023
NE8703-BGP-01-ZZ-DR-C-52-01138_P03 16 October 2023
NE8703-BGP-01-ZZ-DR-C-52-01900_P02 16 October 2023
NE8703-BGP-04-ZZ-DR-C-52-04130_P05 16 October 2023
NE8703-BGP-04-ZZ-DR-C-52-04131_P02 16 October 2023
NE8703-BGP-04-ZZ-DR-C-52-04900_P01 16 October 2023
NE8703-BGP-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-52-01136_P02 16 October 2023
NE8703-BGP-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-52-04136_P0216 October 2023
Noise disturbance from New Plant
03 The rating level of sound emitted from any fixed plant and/or machinery associated with the development shall not exceed background sound levels by more than 5dB (A) between the hours of 0700-2300 (taken as a 1-hour LA90 at the nearest sound sensitive premises) and shall not exceed the background sound level between 2300-0700 (taken as a 15 minute LA90 at the nearest sound sensitive premises). All measurements shall be made in accordance with the methodology of BS4142: 2014 (Methods for rating and assessing industrial and commercial sound) and/or its subsequent amendments. Where access to the nearest sound sensitive property is not possible, measurements shall be undertaken at an appropriate location and corrected to establish the noise levels at the nearest sound sensitive property. Any deviations from the LA90 time interval stipulated above shall be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.
Construction Phase Plan
04 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in line with the measures set out in the submitted Construction Phase Plan prepared by GallifordTry (dated 14th October 2023).
Construction Operating Hours
05 Construction or demolition operations including delivery and removal of materials on and off the site shall take place only between 07:00 and 19:00 hours on weekdays, between 08.00 and 17:00 hours on a Saturday and no time on Sundays or Bank Holidays.
Making good of retained fabric
06 All new external works and finishes and works of making good to the retained fabric of the existing building, shall match the existing original work adjacent in respect of methods, detailed execution and finished appearance unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority
07 With the exception of any alternative means of tree planting agreed with the Council, all ecological mitigation measures, enhancement and compensatory measures within the submitted Preliminary Ecology Appraisal prepared by ECO Surv (July 2023) shall be implemented throughout the development in full accordance with the advice and recommendations, unless otherwise superseded.
Biodiversity Net Gain
08 Notwithstanding the submitted plans, prior to the commencement of any above ground construction a Biodiversity Net Gains Management and Monitoring Plan shall be submitted for approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Biodiversity Net Gains Management and Monitoring Plan should provide detailed management and maintenance information for years 1 – 5 and with broader management aims for the lifetime of the Biodiversity Net Gains commitment. The works shall be implemented in accordance with the agreed details. Such measures shall be retained thereafter for the lifetime of the development.
Energy efficiency
09 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in line with the measures set out in the submitted Energy Statement prepared by Hydrock (dated 13th July 2023) in order to achieve a minimum 10% reduction in CO2 emissions over and above current building regulations unless otherwise superseded.
BREAAM or equivalent rating
10 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in line with the measures set out in the submitted BREEAM Targets report prepared by Ryder (dated 13th October 2023).
Soft Landscaping
11 Full details of Soft Landscaping shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include:
a) replacement tree planting for those lost as a result of the works, a minimum of 20 semi- mature replacement trees shall be located elsewhere within Preston Park;
b) a plan for the relocation of orchard trees where possible, including method of lifting and transportation, and proposed new planting locations;
c) a plan for the relocation of other trees (i.e. around skate park) where possible, including method of lifting and transportation, and proposed new planting locations;
d) updated landscape proposals for planting within and adjacent to the new southern car park extension;
e) proposals for planting of new trees to replace any of those to be lost as a result of the development which cannot be relocated.
This will be a detailed planting plan and specification of works indicating soil depths, plant species, numbers, densities, locations inter relationship of plants, stock size and type, grass, and planting methods including construction techniques for tree pits in hard surfacing and root barriers. All works shall be in accordance with the approved plans.
All existing or proposed utility services that may influence proposed tree planting shall be indicated on the planting plan. The scheme shall be completed by the first planting season following completion of the works and to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.
Landscaping - Hardworks
12 Full details of proposed hard landscaping and street furniture to the building frontage shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include all external finishing materials, finished levels, and all construction details confirming materials, colours, finishes and fixings. The scheme shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of any part of the development. Any defects in materials or workmanship appearing within a period of 12 months from completion of the total development shall be made-good by the owner as soon as practicably possible.
Car Park Enclosure
13 Details of the enclosure to the eastern car park boundary shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such means of enclosure shall be erected before the car park extension is opened for use.
14 – Discharge of Surface Water
Discussions are ongoing in relation to the wording of this condition to alter the trigger point for the submission of information/carrying out of works. Therefore, an amendment to the recommendation is sought to allow the final wording to be delegated to the Planning Services Manager.
15 – Soil Management Plan
Revisions had been agreed to change the trigger point from pre-commencement, to prior to commencement of the car park construction. The condition will now read:
“Prior to the commencement of the car park construction, details of a soil management plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The plan shall indicate how soils will be stripped, stored and relocated during the works, and the methods for transporting the materials across the site. A detailed plan showing the final locations for on site mounding shall be provided including the heights, gradients, offset from trees and footway etc to ensure they can be maintained in the long term.
16 – Archaeological Monitoring
A condition has been recommended by Tees Archaeology in relation to the carrying out of archaeological monitoring. The following wording has been agreed between Tees Archaeology and the applicant:
A) No excavation of the service trenches shall commence until a programme of archaeological monitoring work for the excavation of service trenches including a Written Scheme of Investigation has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority in writing. The scheme shall include an assessment of significance and research questions; and:
1. The programme and methodology of site investigation and recording
2. The programme for post investigation assessment
3. Provision to be made for analysis of the site investigation and recording
4. Provision to be made for publication and dissemination of the analysis and records of the site investigation
5. Provision to be made for archive deposition of the analysis and records of the site investigation
6. Nomination of a competent person or persons/organisation to undertake the works set out within the Written Scheme of Investigation.
B) No excavation of service trenches shall take place other than in accordance with the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under condition (A).
C) The development shall not be occupied until the site investigation and post investigation assessment has been completed in accordance with the programme set out in the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under condition (A) and the provision made for analysis, publication and dissemination of results and archive deposition has been secured.
17 – Historic Building Recording
The following wording has been agreed in relation to a condition for the building recording:
A) No demolition/development shall take place other than in accordance with the approved Written Scheme of Investigation by Pre-Construct Archaeology Limited, dated October 2023.
B) The development shall not be occupied until the historic building recording has been completed in accordance with the programme set out in the approved Written Scheme of Investigation and the provision made for analysis, publication and dissemination of results and archive deposition has been secured..
18 – Protection Buffer for Stockton & Darlington Railway
A condition has been recommended by Tees Archaeology to ensure a buffer is put in place along the north-western boundary of the site with the Stockton & Darlington Railway to ensure that the recently scheduled earthworks are not damaged or encroached upon by excavated material/arisings which are to be stored in the northern field. The following wording has been agreed:
“Prior to the commencement of excavation works on site, a fence shall be erected to create a buffer along the north western boundary of the site with the Stockton and Darlington Railway. The fence shall prevent machine access and signage shall be put up on the fencing. The buffer should be a minimum of 15m from the edge of the scheduled monument. No works or storage of excavated materials shall take place within the buffer area without the further written approval of the Local Planning Authority. The buffer shall be retained in place for the period of construction of the development hereby approved.
Informative: Working Practices
The Local Planning Authority has worked in a positive and proactive manner and sought solutions to problems arising in dealing with the planning application by seeking a revised scheme to overcome issues and by the identification and imposition of appropriate planning conditions.
Informative: Canals and rivers trust
The applicant/developer is advised to contact the Canal & Rivers Trust's Works Engineering Team via switchboard on 0303 040 4040 or at [email protected] in order to ensure that any necessary consents are obtained and that the works would comply with the Trusts "Code of Practice for works affecting the Canal & River Trust".
Informative: Northern Gas networks
There may be apparatus in the area that may be at risk during construction works and the promoter of the works should contact Northern Gas Networks directly to discuss requirements in detail. Should diversionary works be required these will be fully chargeable.
Supporting documents: