Venue: Jim Cooke Conference Suite, Stockton CentralLibrary, Stockton - on - Tees, TS18 1TU
Contact: Scrutiny Support Officer Rachel Harrison
No. | Item |
Minutes: The Committee noted the evacuation and housekeeping procedure. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 13 November 2023. Minutes: AGREED the minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2023 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Select Committee considered a progress update including assessments of progress following implementation of the recommendations from the Scrutiny Review of Burial Provision. The main aims of this review were to recognise the importance of ensuring that Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council (SBC) provided sufficient burial space within the Borough and to understand the impact on the Council if SBC was unable to provide the appropriate choice to residents. The review also focussed on the allocation of appropriate resources to ensure that any future demand was met and was delivered in a timely manner.
This was the second time the update had been presented to the Committee. There were three outstanding recommendations.
The main issues highlighted and discussed were:
• Officers informed the Committee that telephone conversations had taken place with Town and Parish Councils during the covid period. Information had been provided on the legality of proposals for smaller burial sites and the Council’s Economic Development team had also provided advice and support. Officers confirmed that work with Town and Parish Councils would be ongoing and further meetings could be arranged. • The Committee agreed that a further update would be provided by officers once land acquisition had progressed significantly.
AGREED that the Progress Update be noted and the assessments of progress be confirmed. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Select Committee considered a progress update including assessments of progress following implementation of the recommendations from the Scrutiny Review of Residents Parking Zones. The aim of the review was to inform the objectives / components of a revised policy on Resident Parking Zones (RPZs) to be contained within the revised Car Parking Policy for the Borough.
This was the second time the update had been presented to the Committee. There were eight outstanding recommendations.
AGREED that: 1) the Progress Update be noted and the assessments of progress be confirmed. 2) the draft Residents Parking Zones Policy be approved. |
To receive the draft final report. Minutes: Consideration was given to the draft final report and recommendations. The Chair introduced the report and thanked the Committee and Officers for their contributions to the review. The link officer provided an overview of the report. The Director of Community Services, Environment and Culture highlighted the key issues examined through this review. This included the introduction of mandatory weekly food waste collections, the expected rise in gate fees and the importance of a public communication campaign to encourage residents to recycle.
The Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport thanked the Committee for their thorough work on this review. It was acknowledged that it was a personal choice for residents to recycle but it was an important and positive decision that weekly recycling would be introduced. The main issues highlighted and discussed were:
• Members questioned if a replacement contract for the region’s Household Waste and Recycling Facility had been agreed and requested clarification on the increase in gate fees. Officers responded that the regional waste disposal contract was still out for tender at present and an update was not available but would be communicated to Members as soon as possible. The projected rise in gate fees was based on the current contract and information provided from technical specialists, market data, and projections on how the current gate fee would rise in line with inflation. • Members questioned if the current receptacles would still be used for recycling following the introduction of various government initiatives, such as mandatory weekly food waste collections and the Deposit Returns Scheme (DRS). The Chair reminded the Committee that specifics surrounding receptacles was not within the scope of this review. Officers responded that this review would filter into the Council’s wider transformation programme which had already been approved by Cabinet. Following Cabinet approval of this report, the practicalities of issues highlighted from this review, such as receptacles, would be assessed in line with the transformation programme. • Members requested that the invaluable work of the Waste and Resources Action Programme be noted.
AGREED that the final report be approved for submission to Cabinet. |
Chair's Update and Place Select Committee Work Programme 2023 - 2024 PDF 82 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to the Work Programme.
The next meeting would be held on Tuesday 13 February 2024.
AGREED that the Work Programme be noted. |