Venue: Jim Cooke Conference Suite, Stockton Central Libary, Church Road, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1TU
Contact: Democratic Services Support Officer - John Devine
No. | Item |
Minutes: The Evacuation Procedure was noted by members. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Introductions and apologies for absence were given. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest. |
Op Harmony Update Minutes: This agenda item was an accidental duplication of the following item, therefore Officers gave the update on the below item. |
Ropner/Town Centre (Op Harmony) Update Minutes: The first meeting coms surgery had been held at the Family Hub in Ropner, and would be held once a month on a Thursday with representatives from a number of partners such as the Police and Fire Brigade etc. The event was well attended by members of the community with questions around Social Care provision and the Holidays Are Fun programme. Through the survey it was noted that a large number of the public wanted to be involved in keeping their community spaces safe and clean. Members AGREED to note the update. |
Police Update Minutes: Members were informed that the first Communication Surgery had taken place at the Family Hub in Ropner. Reported Crimes dropped by 8% from October 2023, Officers praised the community working between the Public and partner organisations. It was highlighted during the update that truancy levels for the Stockton Borough was 170% above the national average, which Police acknowledged as a significant challenge which would be tackled. The impact on lowering truancy levels was discussed and the benefits of reaching those children who were more likely to be drawn into crime. A working group had been formed and one of its objectives would be to prevent the progression from truancy to organised crime. A task and finish group had been set up to review the results of the recent survey of the public, one of the outcomes which Officers could share was the request for more Family Hub Sessions which would be actioned when possible. Members asked if there had been a migration of crime detected, which Officers were able to state that no increased levels of crime in the surrounding areas had been reported. But it would be closely monitored. The approach which was being used in the Ropner Ward was seen as a proof of concept and would be rolled out to other wards in the future. Officers would bring back further details in the future. Members expressed their satisfaction with the clear community engagement work which had been done. And the joint work which had been done by all partners. Members AGREED to note the report. |
Recorded Crime & Disorder Report Minutes: The Police presented the Recorded Crime & Disorder Report to members of the partnership, highlighting some of the following sections of the report. • Reported public order offenses had decreased by 18.8%.
• Theft from person had the largest percentage drop of the report with a 41.6% drop.
• Police generated crime had also seen a reduction of 13%.
• Residential Burglary had increased by 18.5%. Offices also highlighted operation Nightfall which is the Polices approach to Sex Workers, and Officers had completed a 7-week review which showed that Police were using the correct balance between enforcement and not pushing those vulnerable into more dangerous areas. The overall aim of operation Nightfall is to ensure the safeguarding of Sex Workers and members of the public through joint partnership work. A brief discussion was had around the use of off-road bikes, with what national and local plans/policy were in place. Police informed members that they would be looking at increasing the use of DNA sprays and stingers, but the issue of injuries from the use of stinger could not be ignored. Members AGREED to Note the report. |
Prevent Strategy Update Minutes: This item was deferred until the next meeting. |
Any Other Business Minutes: Members of the Partnership highlighted an initiative which had been in place in years gone by know as ‘Street Pastors’. A board was in the process of being put together to secure funds and manage it’s a revival. The structure of the programme and how it would be run were also being looked at. Some concern over the religious nature of the programmes name was discussed with some members wanting reassurances that other faiths were not excluded from the volunteering process. There was no other business brought to the attention of members. Members AGREED to note the update. |
Restricted - iQuanta Report Minutes: Members were presented with a restricted report that provided an overview on crime comparisons against other similar CSPs utilising iQuanta. This report was a restricted document due to the statistical information only made available as an intelligence tool for partnerships until released by the Home Office. AGREED that the report be noted. |
Prevent Update Minutes: |
Serious and Organised Crime Update Minutes: Members were presented with a restricted report that provided an update on the Prevent Counter Terrorism Policing Programme. Due to the nature of the update and the connection to possible ongoing investigations this item was restricted. AGREED that the report be noted. |