Meeting documents

Thursday 21st January, 2021 4.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
46  Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th December 2020 - For Signature/Approval
47  Census 2021
  Cabinet Decision Record D210010 
  Appendix 1 
48  Financial Update and Medium Term Financial Plan
  Cabinet Decision Record D210009 
49  Procurement Plan / Higher Value Contracts
  Cabinet Decision Record D210008 
  report and Annex 1 
50  Indigenous Growth Fund Update
  Cabinet Decision Record D210007 
51  The Sycamores Redevelopment Update and Proposals for Elm House Site
  Cabinet Decision Record D210006 
52  Local Land Charges Migration
  Land Charges Migration Report 
53  Minutes of Various Bodies
  Cabinet Decision Record D210005 
  Appendix A 
54  Crime and Disorder Select Committee - Scrutiny Review of Fly-Grazed Horses
  Cabinet Decision Record D210004 
  Cabinet Covering Report 
  Select Committee Report 
55  Place Select Committee - Scrutiny Review of Planters in Residential Streets (Task and Finish)
  Cabinet Decision Record D210003 
  Final Report Planters in Residential Streets - T&F 
  Cabinet Covering Report - Scrutiny Review of Planters in Residential Streets (TF) 
56  Members Allowance Scheme - Report of Independent Remuneration Panel
  Cabinet Decision Record D210001 
  Cabinet Report 
  IRP Panel Report 
57  Supplementary Planning Document Adoption - SPD No.1 - Housing Supplementary Planning Document and SPD No.2 - Householder Extensions and Alterations Supplementary Planning Document
  Cabinet Decision Record D210002 