Meeting documents

Wednesday 3rd May, 2006 7.00 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
42  Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th March and the Special Meeting held on 22nd March 2006; and the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 5th April 2006
  22nd March 2006 
  8th March 2006 
  5th April 2006 
46  To receive or consider the minutes of the meeting of the Children & Young People Select Committee held on 8th February 2006
47  To recieve or consider the minutes of Adults, Leisure 7 Culture Committee held on 15th February and 14th March 2006
48  To receive or consider the minutes of the meetings of the Licensing Sub Committee held on 22nd February and 17th March 2006
49  To consider or receive the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Sub Committee held on 3rd April 2006
50  To receive or consider the minutes of the Housing 7 Community Safety Select Committee held on 23rd February 2006, 9th March 2006 and 23rd March 2006
  Minutes of 23rd February 2006 
  Minutes of 9th March 2006 
  Minutes of 23rd March 2006 
51  To receive or consider the minutes of the Environment & Regeneration Select Committee held on 27th February 2006 and 24th March 2006
  Minutes of 27th February 2006 
  Minutes of 24th March 2006 
52  To receive or consider the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 28th February 2006
53  To receive or consider the minutes of the Corporate Policy Review Select Committee held on 7th March 2006
  Minutes of 7th March 2006 
54  To receive or consider the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 15th March 2006
55  To receive or consider the minutes of the Standards Committee held on 16th March 2006
  Minutes of 16th March 2006 
56  To receive or consider the minutes of the Employee Appeals Panel held on 27th March 2006
  Minutes of 27th March 2006 
57  To receive or consider the minutes of the Health Select Committee held on 3rd April 2006 and 10th April 2006
  Minutes of 3rd April 2006 
  Minutes of 10th April 2006 
58  To receive or consider the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Scrutiny Committee held on 7th April 2006
59  To receive or consider the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 20th April 2006
60  To receive the minutes of Cleveland Police Authority held on 20th December 2005
61  To receive the minutes of the Cleveland Fire Authority held on 27th January and 10th February 2006
  Minutes of 27th January 2006 
  Minutes of 10th February 2006 
62  To receive the minutes of the Markets Forum held on 22nd February 2006 and 15th March 2006
  Minutes of 22nd February 2006 
  Minutes of 15th March 2006 
63  To receive the minutes of the Elderly Citizens Liaison Forum held on 28th February 2006
  Minutes of 28th February 2006 
64  To receive the minutes of the Stockton Home Safety Association held on 27th February 2006 and 20th March 2006
  Minutes of 27th February 2006 
  Minutes of 20th March 2006