Issue details

Selective Licensing of Private Rented Housing

Cabinet are asked to consider the findings of the recent Selective Licensing consultation and make a decision regarding next steps (there are 3 options available: do nothing and not implement a scheme of Selective Licensing, to amend the proposal, or to proceed with the proposed Selective Licensing scheme and move forward with the 3-monht  designation period).

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/03/2024

Decision Type: Executive (Cabinet);

Significant Decision: Non-Significant;

Decision due: 16 May 2024 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing

Lead director: Director of Adults Health and Wellbeing

Contact: Carolyn Nice, Director of Adults, Health & Wellbeing Email: [email protected].

Consultation process

Formal consultation has concluded (run from 6.11.23 to 19.01.24).


Private rented tenants and landlords/managing agents with properties within the designation area (or in the proximity).  Local residents and stakeholders.

Local ward councillors

Making Representations: n/a as the formal consultation period has now concluded.

Notes/Comments: Key decision CIA needed

Briefing Information: Following the conclusion of the Selective Licensing consultation period, Cabinet are asked to make a final decision regarding the proposed implementation of Selective Licensing in 3 areas of the borough.