Cabinet Meeting ........................................................................ 16 January 2025
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Title of Item/Report
Regeneration Powering our Future
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Record of the Decision
Consideration was given to a report that set out proposals to refresh the Council’s Regeneration Mission, with a focus on ‘Place Making’ that aligns with our Stockton-on-Tees Plan priorities for:
• A great place to live, work and visit • An inclusive economy.
The Regeneration Mission would provide a core foundation for the Council to achieve our place-based ambitions and will act as a framework for future delivery.
In January 2024, Cabinet agreed a draft Mission Statement and underpinning Missions for the Powering Our Future Programme, which set out a picture of success for the future of the Council. This included a Regeneration Mission, focused on driving economic growth to improve community prosperity and wellbeing.
Since that time, work had taken place to refine each of the Missions, to ensure they provide a foundation to deliver ambitions and priorities set out in the Stockton-on-Tees Plan (agreed by Council in November 2024). There had also been national policy changes and developments in major programmes of work, which were relevant to consider in relation to the Regeneration Mission.
It was therefore considered timely to review and re-set the Regeneration Mission, to position it with an increased focus on Place Making and achievement of Stockton-on-Tees Plan priorities. Achieving this Mission would incorporate significant, large-scale project and programme activity, which would be brought to Cabinet for decision making.
The Regeneration Mission was detailed within the report.
Success would be measured through a set of indicators that formed part of performance reporting for the Stockton-on-Tees Plan. This would include an emphasis on employment, skills and population rates, business growth and diversification of housing.
1. The proposals for the Regeneration Mission, set out in sections 4-7 of the report be agreed.
2. Future update reports be received as appropriate for major projects and programmes of work, and as part of Powering Our Future progress reporting.
3. Performance is reported through the Stockton-on-Tees Plan Performance Management Framework.
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Reasons for the Decision
Cabinet approval of the recommendations can ensure that we are well positioned to achieve ambitions set out in the Stockton-on-Tees Plan, with a clear focus on value adding, regeneration activity that can deliver meaningful impact for people in the Borough.
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Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
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Declared (Cabinet Member) Conflicts of Interest
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Details of any Dispensations
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Date and Time by which Call In must be executed
Midnight Monday 27 January 2025
Proper Officer