Issue - decisions

Subject to the statutory consultation process, approve the implementation of a permanent Traffic Regulation Order on Mount Pleasant Road in Norton, to introduce no loading at anytime restrictions to complement the existing no waiting at anytime restr

14/08/2024 - Subject to the statutory consultation process, approve the implementation of a permanent Traffic Regulation Order on Mount Pleasant Road in Norton, to introduce no loading at anytime restrictions to complement the existing no waiting at anytime restr

Subject to the statutory consultation process, approve the implementation of a permanent Traffic Regulation Order on Mount Pleasant Road in Norton, to introduce no loading at anytime restrictions to complement the existing no waiting at anytime restrictions on the south side between Norton Road and the alleyway, also on the north side for 10 metres from the Norton Road junction.
Also, to revoke the no waiting at anytime restrictions and implement a designated 24 hours goods vehicle loading only bay on the north side,10 metres east of the Norton Road junction for approximately 15 metres up to the alleyway.