Issue - decisions

School Term and Holiday Dates 2025-2026

18/07/2024 - School Term and Holiday Dates 2025-2026







Cabinet Meeting ........................................................................ 18 July 2024



Title of Item/Report



School Term and Holiday Dates for 2025/2026 Academic Year.



Record of the Decision



Consideration was given to a report School Term and Holiday Dates for 2025/2026 Academic Year.


Following consultation, the proposed calendars of school term and holiday dates for 2025/2026 academic year were presented.


School employers were required to set the term dates of their school year.  Employers were:


         the Local Authority in maintained, voluntary controlled and maintained special schools.

         the Governing Body in foundation and voluntary aided schools.

         Multi Academy Trusts, academies and free schools.


In line with statutory requirements and the protocol agreed in 2008, consideration had been given to compile a set of term and holiday dates for schools in the Borough.


Officers consulted with colleagues from all neighbouring authorities to endeavour to reach consensus on a proposed model for the academic year.


Attached to the report were the proposed dates for 2025/2026.


As part of the consultation process the document was duly circulated to schools/academies and all other relevant parties, including Diocesan Authorities and Trade Unions/Teaching Associations.  There were no comments received.


To date the neighbouring authorities that had published their dates had endorsed the proposed matrix for 2025/2026.  This level of agreement between authorities would relieve many of the cross-boundary issues that some families had suffered in the past.


RESOLVED that the school term and holiday dates 2025/2026 shown at Appendix 1 of the report, be agreed.



Reasons for the Decision



To inform all schools and interested parties of the school term and holiday dates for 2025/2026 academic year.



Alternative Options Considered and Rejected






Declared (Cabinet Member) Conflicts of Interest






Details of any Dispensations






Date and Time by which Call In must be executed



Midnight Friday 26 July 2024




Proper Officer