1. Title of Item/Report
Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023/24
2. Record of the Decision
The Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023/24 was brought to Cabinet for consideration.
Under the Health and Social Care Act (2012), the Director of Public Health has a duty to prepare an independent annual report. The report followed the Director of Public Health report presented in November 2023 which reviewed the public health response to Covid-19 in Stockton-on-Tees.
The Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023/24 highlighted the challenge of persistent health inequalities experienced by people in Stockton-on-Tees. Health inequalities and poor health and wellbeing had a significant impact on people’s lives, were unjust and largely preventable.
The report highlighted existing examples of good practice and strong partnerships with other organisations and the voluntary and community sector but was clear that a holistic and systematic approach was required to go further and faster in addressing inequalities.
The proposed approach with interventions in civic society, community and services based on a self-assessment complements the Council’s Powering our Future policy.
With regard to consultation and engagement the report described some of the key work undertaken with partners and communities to address health inequalities. Working collaboratively with communities, partners and councillors was essential in addressing health inequalities.
With regard to the next steps embedding learning and monitoring of public health activity would continue to be overseen and reported through the Lead Member, Corporate Management Team and Health and Wellbeing Board as part of core business.
RECOMMENDED to Council that:-
1. The report be noted.
2. The Population Intervention Triangle model be adopted across the Council and it's work with partners as set out in the DPH Report 2023/4.
3. Reasons for the Decision
The report was for noting only.
4. Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
5. Declared (Cabinet Member) Conflicts of Interest
6. Details of any Dispensations
7. Date and Time by which Call In must be executed
Proper Officer