Agenda item

Local Accounts for Adults, Health and Wellbeing








Cabinet Meeting ........................................................................ 14 November 2024


1.         Title of Item/Report


            Local Accounts for Adults, Health and Wellbeing


2.         Record of the Decision


            Consideration was given to a report on the Local Accounts for Adults, Health and Wellbeing.


The Making it Real Board (the strategic group for co-production, made up of people with lived experience of care and support along with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Council Officers) were asked by the Director of Adults, Health and Wellbeing to co-produce a Local Account for the Adults Health and Wellbeing Directorate. 


The Local Account was a brief document to be published and shared with the citizens of the Borough to celebrate the successes across the Adults, Health and Wellbeing Directorate over the last year, to share the challenges and agree the priorities for the year ahead.


The Making it Real Board was formed in January 2024 as a strategic group for co-production. The Board was made up of local people with lived experience of drawing on care and support (social care, health or wellbeing services) in Stockton-on-Tees, working in equal partnership with Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council.


The Director of Adults, Health and Wellbeing asked the Making it Real Board to co-produce a Local Account for 2024. Whilst it was not mandatory to publish a Local Account, it was considered good practice as a way of reflecting on a Local Authority’s Adult Social Care functions over the last year, improvements made, and its priorities for the year ahead. In order to acknowledge the achievements, challenges and priorities across the whole Directorate, the request was for the Local Account to span all of the Council’s Adults Health and Wellbeing services.


Examples of Local Accounts were gathered and shared at the Making it Real Board as a starting point. A small working group was formed in April 2024 comprising some members of the Making it Real Board and Council Officers from two service areas within the Adults Health and Wellbeing Directorate. Officers from Adults Social Care, Public Health, Housing and A Fairer Stockton-on-Tees and Public Health were asked to share information about specific achievements, challenges and future priorities in those areas, to be considered for the Local Account. 


Progress on the Local Account was brought back to each Making it Real Board meeting at each part of its development, for direction and agreement.


In its latter stages, members of the working group had liaised with the Council’s Communication and Design and Print Teams to prepare the document for publication within the parameters of the Council’s branding requirements, with the aim of maintaining the fidelity of the original document design as far as possible.


The Local Account would be a public document for all citizens across all wards in the Borough.  




1. The report be noted.


2. The Local Account for Adults Health & Wellbeing 2024 be agreed and endorsed.


3.         Reasons for the Decision


            To agree and endorse the Local Account for Adults Health & Wellbeing 2024.


4.         Alternative Options Considered and Rejected




5.         Declared (Cabinet Member) Conflicts of Interest




6.         Details of any Dispensations




7.         Date and Time by which Call In must be executed


            Midnight Friday 22 November 2024




Proper Officer.


Consideration was given to a report on the Local Accounts for Adults, Health and Wellbeing.


The Making it Real Board (the strategic group for co-production, made up of people with lived experience of care and support along with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Council Officers) were asked by the Director of Adults, Health and Wellbeing to co-produce a Local Account for the Adults Health and Wellbeing Directorate. 


The Local Account was a brief document to be published and shared with the citizens of the Borough to celebrate the successes across the Adults, Health and Wellbeing Directorate over the last year, to share the challenges and agree the priorities for the year ahead.


The Making it Real Board was formed in January 2024 as a strategic group for co-production. The Board was made up of local people with lived experience of drawing on care and support (social care, health or wellbeing services) in Stockton-on-Tees, working in equal partnership with Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council.


The Director of Adults, Health and Wellbeing asked the Making it Real Board to co-produce a Local Account for 2024. Whilst it was not mandatory to publish a Local Account, it was considered good practice as a way of reflecting on a Local Authority’s Adult Social Care functions over the last year, improvements made, and its priorities for the year ahead. In order to acknowledge the achievements, challenges and priorities across the whole Directorate, the request was for the Local Account to span all of the Council’s Adults Health and Wellbeing services.


Examples of Local Accounts were gathered and shared at the Making it Real Board as a starting point. A small working group was formed in April 2024 comprising some members of the Making it Real Board and Council Officers from two service areas within the Adults Health and Wellbeing Directorate. Officers from Adults Social Care, Public Health, Housing and A Fairer Stockton-on-Tees and Public Health were asked to share information about specific achievements, challenges and future priorities in those areas, to be considered for the Local Account. 


Progress on the Local Account was brought back to each Making it Real Board meeting at each part of its development, for direction and agreement.


In its latter stages, members of the working group had liaised with the Council’s Communication and Design and Print Teams to prepare the document for publication within the parameters of the Council’s branding requirements, with the aim of maintaining the fidelity of the original document design as far as possible.


The Local Account would be a public document for all citizens across all wards in the Borough.  




1. The report be noted.


2. The Local Account for Adults Health & Wellbeing 2024 be agreed and endorsed.


Supporting documents: