Agenda item

Monitoring the Impact of Previously Agreed Recommendations - Tree Asset Management

Progress report for the previously completed Tree Asset Management review.


Consideration was given to the assessments of progress on the implementation of the recommendations from the Committee’s previously completed review of Tree Asset Management.  This was the second progress update following the Committee’s approval of the Action Plan in March 2023, with developments in relation to the outstanding agreed actions noted as follows:


·       Recommendation 1 (Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council (SBC) refreshes its tree and woodland management policy and procedures…): A draft policy, reflecting much of the Committee’s original review of this topic, had now been produced and was included within these meeting papers for any Member feedback (prior to going through the formal process of making the draft version approved policy, and due to the work and input from the Committee, it was felt that comments should be sourced from the Committee before progressing further).


The issue of overgrown trees / vegetation from private property encroaching onto public areas was raised by the Committee, with clarity sought over the procedure for addressing this.  The SBC Service Manager in attendance advised that such cases fell within the remit of the SBC Asset Management, Highway and Street Lighting team under accessibility considerations, and that it was currently the time of the year where issues like this tended to come to the fore.  These cases fell outside of the proposed refreshed tree and woodland management policy, but assurance was given that the Council was aware of these instances, and they were addressed.


Continuing this theme, Members asked what would happen if a private owner refused to comply with a request from the Council to deal with overgrown trees / vegetation impacting upon public space.  The Committee was informed that SBC tried to work with private owners in the first instance, but could, if necessary, carry out work itself and then recharge the landowner.  Further guidance would be sought from the relevant Council team in relation to these cases and shared with the Committee.


·       Recommendation 2 (Tree Preservation Order (TPO) planning procedures be reiterated to all SBC Ward Councillors and relayed to residents periodically via the Council’s multiple communication mechanisms (emphasising the enforcement action that can be taken if processes are not followed)): Changes had been made to the initial draft easy read guide following feedback from Committee during the previous update in March 2024.  A revised draft was included within these meeting papers – arrangements would be made for this to be shared with all SBC Elected Members and for the final version to be displayed on the Council’s website.


·       Recommendation 4 (A detailed business case be produced for consideration by SBC management regarding a potential reinforcement team within Grounds Maintenance to undertake smaller scale routine maintenance, thereby allowing the existing Tree and Woodland Management Service specialist staff to focus on more technical operations): Due to small changes within the Grounds Maintenance and Arboriculture services (as a result of staff retirements), additional resource had been allocated from within Grounds to undertake smaller scale routine maintenance.


The Committee thanked officers for the information provided as part of this latest update, and the stated ‘assessments of progress’ gradings were subsequently endorsed.  Given there were still some actions still to be fully achieved, a further update would be scheduled for a future Committee meeting (to be confirmed).


AGREED that:


1)    the Tree Asset Management progress update be noted and the assessments for progress be confirmed.


2)    further information be provided to the Committee in relation to private owners refusing to comply with a request from the Council to deal with overgrown trees / vegetation impacting upon public space.

Supporting documents: