Agenda item

Action Plan for Agreed Recommendations - Review of Outdoor Play Provision


Cllr Mrs Ann McCoy wished it to be recorded for transparency purposes only that she was currently a member of Billingham Town Council as well as a Ward Councillor.


Consideration was given to a draft Action Plan setting out how the agreed recommendations from the recently concluded review of Outdoor Play Provision would be implemented, including success measures and target dates for completion.  Presented by the Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council (SBC) Strategy & Greenspace Development Manager, specific attention was drawn to the following:


·       Recommendation 1 (SBC ensures both revenue and renewal considerations are an intrinsic part of any existing and future outdoor play space proposal within the Borough to maximise the long-term sustainability of such sites): There was a critical need to establish estimated costs for inspections, maintenance and renewal / replacement of equipment and surfacing for all SBC play areas and informal sports facilities as the findings would influence other elements of the Action Plan.  This would take time, hence the ‘due date’ of 30 December 2024.


·       Recommendation 6 (As part of a required rationalisation process in relation to the existing outdoor play offer:


c)     Further detail be provided around the anticipated longer-term maintenance requirements of the new Stockton waterfront park and the impact that this may have on the available funds for maintaining other existing outdoor play spaces): It was understood that some resources had been allocated to cover the future maintenance of the site, but further details would be sought.  A three-year maintenance budget was also referenced, though further clarity was required on what this entailed / covered.


d)    With due regard to the SBC Powering Our Future initiative, appropriate consultation (particularly with Stockton Parent Carer Forum and SBC Ward Councillors) is conducted around any proposed changes to existing outdoor play provision): Assurance was given that consultation already took place with Stockton Parent Carer Forum, SBC Ward Councillors and relevant other parties, and that this would continue as SBC sought to address this recommendation.


·       Recommendation 7 (Reflecting the main outcomes from this review, SBC develops and publishes an outdoor play provision strategy…): Many of the actions proposed in the preceding recommendations were milestones towards the development / publication of a new outdoor play provision strategy.  The differing ‘due dates’ listed for the actions in relation to this particular recommendation reflected the potential need for consultation on any proposals to change the Borough’s existing outdoor play offer.


With reference to recommendation 2 (To encourage a greater sense of community ownership, consideration be given to approaching relevant Town / Parish Councils and the local business community within the vicinity of existing outdoor play spaces to potentially support the development / maintenance of a site), the Committee queried if there was the potential to also seek funding contributions from health bodies given the benefits that outdoor play can bring.  It was subsequently noted that two officer working groups had been established to feed into the development of the new outdoor play provision strategy – this would include engagement with other Council departments (e.g. Public Health)).


The Committee thanked SBC officers for collating the draft Action Plan and approved the content as presented.  The first update on progress of the actions would be required in approximately 12 months.


AGREED that the Action Plan in relation to the recently completed Scrutiny Review of Outdoor Play Provision be approved.

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