Agenda item

Scrutiny Review of Cost of Living Response - Final Report of the People Select Committee


Consideration was given to a report that presented the outcomes of the People Select Committee’s review of Cost of Living Response.


The report outlined the outcomes of the Scrutiny Review of Cost of Living Response. The review had considered the key components of the cost of living approach adopted by the Council at a time of increasing service demands, for both advice and support. Consequently, it had explored the possibility to develop change, and, if appropriate, grow the Council’s services around the cost of living work to support more residents in the Borough.


The Committee had taken evidence from Council Officers, Bright Minds Big Futures, and following partners/organisations:


         Thrive Teesside, Catalyst

         Stockton-on-Tees Food Power Network

         Unite the Union

         Local Government Association

         Tees Credit Union

         Stockton & District Advice & Information Service.


In addition, the Committee visited two The Bread and Butter Thing Hubs during the course of the review.


Following approval by Cabinet, an action plan would be submitted to the Select Committee for their endorsement.


The report was approved by the Committee and summarised evidence presented to the Committee over the preceding months. Progress had continued and many of initiatives referred to were now operational, as outlined below:


The Bread & Butter Thing (TBBT)

TBBT was now live at five venues across the Borough allowing residents to enjoy high-quality food shopping at lower costs to help boost financial resilience.


A maximum of 80 households could register for each venue and, currently, you can register to shop at:


• Teesside Vineyard Church, Thornaby (Mondays)

• Salvation Army, Stockton (Tuesdays)

• New Life Family Centre, Billingham (Wednesdays)

• Redhill Family Hub, Roseworth (Thursdays)

• Newtown Community Resource Centre, Stockton (Fridays


Following the success of previous Here to Help events held across the Borough, planning was underway for a large-scale event to be held on Saturday 20 July 2024 in Stockton Town Centre. The focus of this event would be families and young people. As well as providing advice and support this event would offer a range of activities for residents to enjoy.


Individual schools had established their own schemes to assist parents or carers with the cost of school uniform, including the availability of pre-loved uniforms. Assistance with school uniform costs vary across schools so it was advisable to check a school’s website for specific information on uniform cost support. Several clothing banks across the Borough also stock pre-loved uniform and social media groups had been created for the purpose of offering pre-loved school uniforms. An updated mapping exercise of pre-loved uniform provision and support with school uniform costs across the Borough would be conducted as part of the action plan for this review.




1. Findings from this review will inform the development of the Council’s Anti-Poverty Action Plan/Strategy as part of the ‘Powering Our Futures’ programme. This will be coordinated with partners and will advocate the importance of lived experience.


2. The Council continues to work with schools and governors to address the issues around the affordability of school uniform and provide options to expand the provision of pre-loved uniforms are explored, through devising an action plan clearly outlining the steps to be taken to address these issues. The action plan will be shared with the Committee and progress reported as part of the wider recommendations. In addition, the Council will meet with Multi-Academy Trust school improvement leads to advocate the need for affordable school uniforms and the ongoing promotion of pre-loved ones.


3. The income maximisation service is widely promoted through Stockton News and social media channels as a means of assisting residents with debt management and financial difficulties.


4. Building on the success of previous staff drop in sessions around Cost of Living this targeted approach continues where there is a need. 


5. Building on the existing success of the work undertaken, to continue to build on best practice from across the country working alongside the LGA.


Consideration was given to a report that presented the outcomes of the People Select Committee’s review of Cost of Living Response.


The report outlined the outcomes of the Scrutiny Review of Cost of Living Response. The review had considered the key components of the cost of living approach adopted by the Council at a time of increasing service demands, for both advice and support. Consequently, it had explored the possibility to develop change, and, if appropriate, grow the Council’s services around the cost of living work to support more residents in the Borough.


The Committee had taken evidence from Council Officers, Bright Minds Big Futures, and following partners/organisations:


         Thrive Teesside, Catalyst

         Stockton-on-Tees Food Power Network

         Unite the Union

         Local Government Association

         Tees Credit Union

         Stockton & District Advice & Information Service.


In addition, the Committee visited two The Bread and Butter Thing Hubs during the course of the review.


Following approval by Cabinet, an action plan would be submitted to the Select Committee for their endorsement.


The report was approved by the Committee and summarised evidence presented to the Committee over the preceding months. Progress had continued and many of initiatives referred to were now operational, as outlined below:


The Bread & Butter Thing (TBBT)

TBBT was now live at five venues across the Borough allowing residents to enjoy high-quality food shopping at lower costs to help boost financial resilience.


A maximum of 80 households could register for each venue and, currently, you can register to shop at:


• Teesside Vineyard Church, Thornaby (Mondays)

• Salvation Army, Stockton (Tuesdays)

• New Life Family Centre, Billingham (Wednesdays)

• Redhill Family Hub, Roseworth (Thursdays)

• Newtown Community Resource Centre, Stockton (Fridays


Following the success of previous Here to Help events held across the Borough, planning was underway for a large-scale event to be held on Saturday 20 July 2024 in Stockton Town Centre. The focus of this event would be families and young people. As well as providing advice and support this event would offer a range of activities for residents to enjoy.


Individual schools had established their own schemes to assist parents or carers with the cost of school uniform, including the availability of pre-loved uniforms. Assistance with school uniform costs vary across schools so it was advisable to check a school’s website for specific information on uniform cost support. Several clothing banks across the Borough also stock pre-loved uniform and social media groups had been created for the purpose of offering pre-loved school uniforms. An updated mapping exercise of pre-loved uniform provision and support with school uniform costs across the Borough would be conducted as part of the action plan for this review.




1. Findings from this review will inform the development of the Council’s Anti-Poverty Action Plan/Strategy as part of the ‘Powering Our Futures’ programme. This will be coordinated with partners and will advocate the importance of lived experience.


2. The Council continues to work with schools and governors to address the issues around the affordability of school uniform and provide options to expand the provision of pre-loved uniforms are explored, through devising an action plan clearly outlining the steps to be taken to address these issues. The action plan will be shared with the Committee and progress reported as part of the wider recommendations. In addition, the Council will meet with Multi-Academy Trust school improvement leads to advocate the need for affordable school uniforms and the ongoing promotion of pre-loved ones.


3. The income maximisation service is widely promoted through Stockton News and social media channels as a means of assisting residents with debt management and financial difficulties.


4. Building on the success of previous staff drop in sessions around Cost of Living this targeted approach continues where there is a need. 


5. Building on the existing success of the work undertaken, to continue to build on best practice from across the country working alongside the LGA.

Supporting documents: