Agenda item

23/0888/OUT Land Off Stoney Wood Drive, Wynyard, TS22 5SN Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of 2no dwellinghouses and detached garages.


Consideration was given to planning application 23/088/OUT Land off Stoney Wood Drive, Wynyard, TS22 5SN.


The site related to an approximate 0.6-hectare parcel of land off Stoney Wood Drive, Wynyard and lay on the edge of an existing and established residential area of Wynyard Woods, The Plantations. On the site was a segment of tall and established trees which provided a buffer between the site and the surrounding residential properties. The site was located within the red line boundary of 13/0342/EIS which was approved for approximately 500no homes; this development was now well underway and was established across the majority of the wider site.


Outline consent with all matters reserved was being sought for the erection of 2no dwellinghouses and detached garages. The 0.6ha plot would be subdivided into two segments and would be for the purposes of Self-Build properties.


The proposed development had been revised to a single point of access serving both dwellings (as opposed to two separate access points). Further alterations to the scheme included a diversion of a watercourse which previously ran through the site, now proposed to run adjacent to Stoney Wood Drive and the western boundary of the plots. Following the re-consultation on the revised proposal, there were no objections from any of the technical consultees. It was considered that the revised development had addressed the previous concerns, and the application was therefore recommended for approval subject to the conditions set out within the Officers report.


The consultees that had been notified and the comments that had been received were detailed within the main report.


Neighbours were notified and the comments received were detailed within the main report.


The planning policies and material planning considerations that were relevant to the consideration of the application were contained within the main report.


The Planning Officers report concluded that given the indicative drawings provided, it was considered that the proposal could satisfactorily accommodate the additional two dwellings within the site without affecting the character of the area, amenity of neighbouring residents or highway safety. It was recommended that the application be Approved with Conditions for the reasons as specified within the main report.


Members were presented with an update report which since the original report detailed condition number 6 (Buffer Landscaping) which had been updated. Full details of the revised condition were detailed within the update report.


In addition, correspondence had been received from the Wynyard Residents Association a copy of which was contained within the update report.


The comments received did not alter the original recommendation of approval with conditions and any issues raised had been addressed within the Officers update report.


An Objector attended the meeting and was given the opportunity to make representation. Their comments could be summarised as follows:


. The proposed site sat within the red line of the boundary and should remain green wedge.


. The site had previously received conditional permission for 500 houses ( application 13/0342/EIS) and although the current proposal related to only 2 houses, it impacted on the 500 houses as well as a future application for 135 houses, which must come before this application. 


. Concerns were raised relating to the diversion of the natural water course and how this had been resolved.


Officers were given the opportunity to respond to comments/issues raised. Their responses could be summarised as follows: -


. In terms of the red line Boundary and the approved application for 500 homes, which, had a limitation for 500 houses, was largely down to highway capacity at that time. National Highways (formerly Highways England) had subsequently relaxed that limitation, therefore the planning principle around that boundary also changed, as it was based on traffic capacity. The 135 units would come forward in due course.


. In relation to density, the site would increase from 6 to 9 dwellings per hectare which was considered low in terms of density.


. The land was woodland not green wedge, which had no additional protection.


. The diversion of the watercourse had been resolved with the Local Flood Authority.


Members were given the opportunity to ask questions / make comments. These could be summarised as follows: -


. The proposed application stated that the site was within the red line boundary, however it was not.


. Was the site green wedge or woodland? Both were open spaces.


. Were there any other self-build development sites within the area?


. Due to previous water drainage issues at other housing developments within the Borough, concerns were raised around water drainage at the proposed site and the lack of comments contained within the report around this, particularly from Council Officers regards drainage plans.


. Clarity was sought as to why road traffic capacity had been relaxed.


. Although the proposed application was minor there were concerns around the accumulative effect.


. Regarding site capacity, questions were raised in terms of ecology issues. What was the maximum development capacity? Should every plot of land be taken for dwellings?


. Reference was made relating to the ecology appraisal that was submitted online 2 April 2024 compared to the impact on ecology detailed within the officers report. It was felt that there were contradictions between the online ecology appraisal and the officers report. It was also highlighted that the impact assessment contained within the online appraisal referenced the impact on protected species, loss of trees etc and that further survey work was required to be undertaken on the site. The online appraisal also stated that ‘This report is not suitable to support a planning submission. Further survey/detailed site design is required to complete the assessment, allowing a detailed impact assessment and design of an appropriate mitigation/compensation scheme’, however the officers report concluded that subject to recommended conditions the proposed development was considered to be acceptable.


Officers were given the opportunity to respond to comments/issues raised. Their responses could be summarised as follows: -


. Officers confirmed that the site was not green wedge and was an area of woodland and was not considered open space in planning terms. The trees were quite spindly with no vegetation at the bottom, and it was believed that some of the trees had been taken down. Officers were looking to condition screening and additional vegetation, which would offset the loss of woodland.


. Officers were not aware of any more self-build developments currently and in planning terms the 2 dwellings were acceptable.


. In terms of drainage, there was a pre-condition, a drainage plan would be submitted prior to the commencement of the site.


. It was confirmed that National Highways had relaxed vehicle capacity at the A19 / A689 intersection. There had been a regional cap based on 3 major junctions as part of the local plan. Improvement had been made at the A19 major interchange which allowed National Highways to change their position.


. There were 500 and 130 approved homes and a further 135 pending as well as the proposed 2 dwellings. If all 767 came forward, anything beyond that would need to be assessed to see if there were any adverse effects on that area.


. Where concerns had been raised relating to the online ecology appraisal in comparison to the ecology information contained within the officers report, officers confirmed that there were ecological mitigation measures within the officers recommendations secured by planning conditions.


A motion was proposed and seconded that the item be deferred to provide the Committee with further ecological information.


A vote took place, and the motion was carried.


RESOLVED that planning application 23/0888/OUT Land Off Stoney Wood Drive, Wynyard, TS22 5SN  be deferred to a future meeting of the Planning Committee to receive further ecological information.

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