Agenda item

Reference from the Council - Director of Regeneration and Inclusive Growth


Consideration was given to a report that addressed the motion submitted by Councillor Niall Innes at the Council meeting on 22 November 2023, concerning the proposed introduction of a new 'Director of Regeneration and Inclusive Growth' role. In line with Council Procedure Rule 3.42, the motion had been automatically referred to the Cabinet for further consideration.


Councillor Innes’s motion challenged the introduction of the 'Director of Regeneration and Inclusive Growth' position, citing a lack of full Council consultation and questioning the allocation of resources.


The motion proposed reallocating the intended salary for this role towards employing civic enforcement officers/street wardens and establishing a ‘Community Safety Hub’ in Ingleby Barwick.


The motion submitted to the Council Reads:


“The Cabinet and Senior Leadership of this Council have recently sought to introduce a new ‘Director of Regeneration and Inclusive Growth’ without consulting the full Council.


Despite the exercise undertaken last year in which this council provided ‘Golden Goodbyes’ and reduced Director positions while increasing salaries, it has now been decided that a further Management position is required at an estimated cost of over £120,000 per year to the Taxpayers of Stockton.


Rather than continue to spend residents' money on yet another Director, this motion urges the Cabinet to think again and to ensure that the money is used for public good and suggest that it be used to employ more enforcement officers/street wardens and create a ‘Community

Safety Hub’ in Ingleby Barwick.


The salary set aside for this single director could be used to recruit as many as three civic enforcement officers / street wardens and space could be set aside in property already owned by this authority to host a community security hub, providing a base from which enforcement

officers and the police could operate.


This motion seeks to ensure that resident's money is being used on initiatives that deliver for them, and keep our communities safe, not create more bureaucracy and more waste!”


Cabinet had made a decision to provide funding for a new chief officer post, the 'Director of Regeneration and Inclusive Growth'. This decision was executive in nature and had been made within the Cabinet's remit.


The appointment of a chief officer, was a non-executive decision, it fell under the Council's jurisdiction and had been delegated to an appointments panel. The implementation of the Cabinet's funding decision necessitates a non-executive action by the Council.


The motion submitted to the Council raised concerns about the new post, urging the Cabinet to reconsider its funding decision. This motion was advisory, the full Council did not have the authority to require the Cabinet to reconsider its decision.


The Cabinet maintained the discretion to either note the motion or reconsider or uphold its decision. While the motion from the Council may be considered, it did not compel the Cabinet to alter its decision.


The rationale for the original decision to introduce the new role was detailed in the Cabinet report titled "Powering our Future - Senior Management Capacity Review" (CAB/16/23).


The arguments for revisiting the decision were set out in the motion.


Councillor Niall Innes was in attendance at the meeting and was given the opportunity to make representation.


Cabinet noted the motion and considered representations. Cabinet agreed that it would not revisit the initial decision.



1. The motion be noted.


2. The initial decision made by Cabinet will not be revisited.

Supporting documents: