Agenda item

23/1003/FUL Stable Block South West Of North Meadows, Calf Fallow Lane, Norton Conversion of 1no barn to 1no dwellinghouse to include the erection of a porch to the front, erection of 1.8m high wall with 2.4m piers and demolition of existing storage building.


Consideration was given to planning application 23/1003/FUL Stable Block South West of North Meadows, Calf Fallow Lane, Norton.


The application site related to an existing stable building located within an agricultural field along Calf Fallow Lane, Norton. The stable building was laid on an area of hardstanding, and to the west there were two smaller buildings which were lawful. There were also unauthorised works that had been carried out at the site which would be investigated accordingly.


Planning Permission was granted in January last year for a larger stable building within the adjacent field. The permission was approved on the basis that the stable block which was subject of the application to be demolished.


The application had been considered in full and was recommended for refusal as the scheme was contrary to planning policy as it would lead to an isolated home within the countryside which was unsustainably located. The conversion was not considered to meet any of the requirements of planning policy SD3 which supported countryside dwellings and as a result the development would lead to an erosion of the countryside and set an undesirable precedent.


The application was due to be presented to Committee in January as the Applicant was a Council Employee and the Scheme of Delegation stated that applications which meet the following criteria be referred to Planning Committee


Those cases which involve development on land owned, or in which an interest is held, by a Council Member (or their spouse/partner) or by any member of the Council staff (or their spouse/partner). An Objection representation had been received to the planning application.


However, an appeal had been submitted for non-determination and the application was brought to the planning committee for Members to make a decision on how they would have voted and whether members would have been minded refusing the application as per the Officer recommendation.


The consultees that had been notified and the comments that had been received were detailed within the main report.


Neighbours were notified and the comments received were detailed within the main report.


The planning policies and material planning considerations that were relevant to the consideration of the application were contained within the main report.


The Officers report concluded that the application be recommended for refusal for the reasons as specified within the main report.


Members were given the opportunity to ask questions / make comments. These could be summarised as follows: -


.  Brief discussion took place around which building on the site was to be converted as planning permission had already been granted in Jan 2023 for a larger stable building within the adjacent field. Officers confirmed this was a separate building to that which was approved in January 2023 and was due to be demolished following the grant of approval for the larger stable block in the adjacent field.


. Officers explained the application was outside the limits to development and would require exceptional circumstances for Officers to recommend it for approval, of which there were none.


A vote took place, and Members confirmed they would have been minded to refuse the application as per the Officers recommendation.



RESOLVED that members would have been minded to refuse planning application 23/1003/FUL for the following reasons:


Isolated dwelling in the Countryside

01 In the opinion of the local planning authority the proposal is contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework (para 84) which aims to restrict isolated new dwellings within the countryside without appropriate justification. The proposal is contrary to SD3

of the Stockton on Tees Local Plan which states development outside the limits of development will only be permitted if it is necessary for a farming, forestry or rural based enterprise; or represents optimal use of a heritage asses; would re-use a disused building and would enhance its setting; be of exceptional quality or innovative design. It is considered that there are no special circumstances relating to the proposal as defined in paragraph 84 of the National Planning Policy Framework to override the adopted policies of the Local Planning Authority.


Out of character with the area

02 In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the proposed development by virtue of its residential character and appearance (including the provision of residential paraphernalia) is considered to be out of character with the immediate rural environment within which it is located would to be detrimental to the visual amenities of the surrounding open area. Approval of the change of use would also set an undesirable precedent which would make it difficult to refuse other similar applications, the cumulative effect of which would be the erosion of the open countryside contrary to the guidance set out in paragraphs 135 and 180 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Policy SD3, SD5 and SD8, which aims to protect and enhance the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside.


Unsustainable location

03 In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposed site is in an unsustainable location for residential development by virtue of the lack of public footpaths and street lighting which would require occupants to travel via the private car for employment, schools, retail and recreational purposes and as such would be contrary to the aims of government guidance with respect to locating residential development in sustainable locations as detailed in the National Planning Policy Framework and it is considered that there are no special circumstances relating to the proposal as defined in paragraph 84 of the National Planning Policy Framework to override the National Planning Policy Framework when taken as a whole.

Supporting documents: