Appendix 1, Site Location
Appendix 2, Existing Elevations
Appendix 3, Existing Site Plan
Appendix 4, Proposed Elevation
Appendix 5, Proposed Site Plan
Consideration was given to application 23/0649/FUL 91 Wolviston Road, Billingham.
The application site was a three bedroom two storey semi-detached dwellinghouse within the defined development limits of Billingham, approximately 200m north west of Billingham Town Centre.
The application was seeking planning permission for the change of use of No.91 Wolviston Road, Billingham from a three-bedroom (Use Class C3) dwellinghouse to a children’s home (Use Class C2) for 3 children. The site benefited from off street parking and a rear amenity space.
The proposed children’s home would provide accommodation for a maximum of three children between the ages of 8 and 18 years with 24 hour adult support, provided on a shift basis. Two members of staff would be present at the premises with an Ofsted registered manager living close by.
The application also proposed the construction of a two-storey side and single storey rear extension to provide two staff rooms for the staff at the premises, one at ground floor and one at first floor, both with ensuites thus functioning as sleeping quarters at night for the two members of staff and avoiding disturbing children by using the communal bathroom. The rear extension provided for a larger open plan kitchen, dining and family room. The proposals also included the removal of the existing rear garage and replaced with two parking spaces for staff.
The application was recommended for approval with conditions.
The consultees that had been notified and the comments that had been received were detailed within the main report.
Neighbours were notified and the comments received were detailed within the main report.
The planning policies and material planning considerations that were relevant to the consideration of the application were contained within the main report.
The Planning Officers report concluded that the application be recommended for approval with conditions for the reasons as specified within the main report.
Objectors attended the meeting and given the opportunity to make representation. Their comments could be summarised as follows;
. There was a sewage system at the back of the house and the proposed extension would be built on top of this. Northumbrian Water strongly opposes any building near or on top of a sewage system and therefore a response from Northumbrian Water in terms of rerouting the sewage system should be sought prior to the proposed scheme being considered at Planning Committee.
. The existing garage was not used for carparking due to the fact the entrance to the drive of the property was too close to a dangerous road / junction which was also on a blind bend making access and egress difficult. It was therefore felt the newly proposed parking spaces replacing the garage would also not be used and visitors to the property would be more likely to park on the road inhibiting parking for local residents.
. Safety concerns for the children were expressed due to the close proximity of the home to busy roads including a dual carriageway, the local pub, an Airbnb, where there would be no way of knowing who would be staying there. A petrol station and local shops on the other side of the busy road from the home which would be dangerous for the children to cross should they chose to go there. The road was also a regular emergency services route, therefore it was felt that there were far too many hazards impacting on the protection of the children that would reside there.
. Concerns were raised relating to the negative impact on neighbouring properties, such as noise.
. There had been reports of grooming within yards of the proposed home, which would put the children in danger.
Officers were given the opportunity to respond to comments/issues raised. Their responses could be summarised as follows: -
. Officers explained that in terms of road safety the busy junction close to the proposed home had a traffic calming feature which made the junction as safe as it could be. In terms of access to the drive of the home, it had been the same for 7 years and there had been no reported incidents. The proposed off-street parking would mitigate against on street parking. The home would be no different to a residential house with adequate parking and access, therefore there were no highways concerns.
Members were given the opportunity to ask questions / make comments. These could be summarised as follows: -
. Councillor Barry Woodhouse expressed his surprise at there not being any objections from technical consultees particularly as the Highways Transport and Design Manager had stated he was unable to support the application due to inadequate parking. Cllr Woodhouse acknowledged and appreciated the issues raised by an objector in terms of the sewage system on the premise. Cllr Woodhouse referred to Cleveland Police’s submission particularly where they had recommended the erection of a wrought iron fence. Cllr Woodhouse also felt that parking on the main road would become an issue and the speed on the road directly outside of the home should be reduced to 20mph. It was also felt the site would be over developed. There was real concern about children running over a busy road to visit local amenities without using the appropriate crossing, and although there was no suggestion the children in the home would use the local pub, patrons of the pub may pose a nuisance to the children, as it had been reported that people had been seen leaving the pub, then urinating on the road. The close proximity to the A19 and train station meant it would be easy for the children to leave should they want to and there was hearsay of grooming within the area. Cllr Woodhouse urged the Committee to refuse the application for all of the reasons above. Cllr Woodhouse then left the meeting prior to the Committee entering into further discussion on the application.
. There was nothing to stop any family moving into the house with 5 or 6 children, however the objections relating to the sewage system and inadequate parking were valid.
. Concerns were raised regarding the comments received from Cleveland Police relating to the recommended security measures required to stop the children from escaping.
. Questions were raised as to why the developer didn’t purchase a larger house rather than having to significantly extend the proposed property.
Officers were given the opportunity to respond to comments/issues raised. Their responses could be summarised as follows: -
. It was explained to the Committee that the Highways Transport and Design Manager initially did not support nor object to the application due to contradictory information from the applicant in terms of the number of carparking spaces and whether or not the garage was to be retained. As explained within the main report the Highways Transport and Design Manager received clarification from the applicant that adequate carparking would be provided and therefore there was no objection to the proposed development in terms of highways.
. In terms of concerns raised relating to the sewage system, Officers highlighted that if the sewer was to be built on top of, then this would be managed by Building Control and if the sewer required rerouting this would be done alongside Northumbrian Water at the developer’s expense.
A vote then took place and the application was approved.
RESOLVED that planning application 23/0649/FUL be approved subject to the following conditions and informatives;
Time Limit
01 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of Three years from the date of this permission.
Approved Plans
02 The development hereby approved shall be in accordance with the following approved plan(s);
Plan Reference Number Date Received
SBC0003 20 April 2023
2290/05A 20 April 2023
2289/03 20 April 2023
Approved Use
03 The premises shall be used for a three person children’s home and for no other purpose including any other purpose in Class C2 of the Schedule of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 2020 (or any order revoking or re-enacting that order with or without modification), without planning permission being obtained from the Local Planning Authority.
Materials to Match
04 The external finishing materials shall match with those of the existing building
Construction hours
05 No construction/building works or deliveries shall be carried out except between the hours of 8.00 am and 6.00 pm on Mondays to Fridays and between 9.00 am and 1.00 pm on Saturdays. There shall be no construction activity including demolition on Sundays or on Bank Holidays, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Informative: Working Practices
The Local Planning Authority found the submitted details satisfactory subject to the imposition of appropriate planning conditions and has worked in a positive and proactive manner in dealing with the planning application.
Informative: Effective Management
The operator is advised to work alongside Cleveland Police and other safeguarding partners to comply with the requirements of the multi-agency protocol on runaways and vulnerable people missing from home or care. Effective management, staffing and procedural arrangements should be in place to prepare for potential missing episodes and management should take all possible measures to protect those at risk and work with the police to ensure a quality early risk assessment takes place. The operator should also work with the police and their residents on effective interventions to prevent cared for residents repeatedly going missing from care.
Informative: In a Smoke Control Zone
As the property is within a smoke control area the occupant is to comply with the following:
- Only burn authorised fuels- a list of these can be found on the following link
-Certain types of coal and wood can be burnt in smoke control areas but these are only to be burnt on DEFRA approved appliances; a list of these can be found on the following link
- The appliance is to be installed by an approved contractor and certificates of the work to be submitted to the Local Authority.
Informative: Secured By Design
The applicant is advised to contact Cleveland Police regarding security of the property, particularly bedroom doors, windows, main entrance and rear access to the property.
The contact details can be found at network-of-designing-out-crime-officers?view=article&id=308#cleveland-police
Supporting documents: