Consideration was given to a report Private Hire & Hackney Carriage Licensing Policy Interim Review.
For Cabinet to consider the views and comments received from the General Licensing Committee, transport trade and other interested parties following consultation on the Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Licensing Policy and to make recommendations to Council.
The current private hire & hackney carriage licensing policy was approved in 2022 following a full public consultation.
In November 2022 following requests from the trade the transport policy was reviewed. The changes were approved and the requirements on new hackney carriage vehicle specification was relaxed. Since this policy change the hackney carriage vehicle fleet had increased by 35 vehicles, hackney carriage wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAVs) have increased by 2.
The licensed trade made a request for the policy to be reviewed again and for this policy change to be reversed. A 21-day public consultation was undertaken giving stakeholders opportunity to comment.
The public consultation survey was available online and links were directly sent to all licensees, members and interested parties.
There were 105 responses to the consultation. In summary the proposed policy wording was supported. Details of the responses was included with the report.
The proposed policy wording is below and would mean any applications for new hackney carriage vehicles would need to be wheelchair accessible, existing hackney carriage vehicles would still be able to be replaced like for like.
Current Wording
Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAV)
WAV’s that are currently licensed may be replaced with a like for like vehicle e.g. another WAV that complies with current policy.
Departure from policy in exceptional circumstances e.g. medical grounds will be considered on a case by case basis.
The hackney carriage and private hire trade will continue to be encouraged to licence a proportion of their fleet as Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles.
Proposed Wording
All new applications for hackney carriage vehicle licences are required to be wheelchair accessible vehicles.
Hackney carriage vehicles which are currently licensed may be replaced with a like for like vehicle e.g.
• WAVs may be replaced with another WAV which complies with current Policy.
• Saloons (5 seats) may be replaced with another Saloon which complies with current Policy
• MPVs (more than 5 seats) may be replaced with another MPV which complies with current Policy
The private hire trade will continue to be encouraged to licence a proportion of their fleet as Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles.
The Licensing Service continue to explore ways to increase the WAV fleet, this is a national issue, these vehicles cost more to purchase, run and maintain and drivers cannot charge more for WAV journeys under disability legislation.
A full review of the policy was expected later 2023 or early 2024, after the publication of the Department for Transports Best Practice Guidance document, which was consulted on in 2022 and was expected in Spring 2023.
This matter was considered by the General Licensing Committee on 8 August 2023 the committee recommended the proposed changes be considered by Cabinet and Council.
Following Cabinet, Council will consider the matter on 22 November 2023. Following approval any changes agreed would come in to effect on 1 December 2023.
If revised, the trade would be informed of the new policy via email and via private hire operators and the SHCDA. Changes would also be publicised on the trade Facebook page and via the Council website. In addition the policy changes would be added to future trade meeting agendas.
1. The content of the report be noted.
RECOMMENDED to Council that:-
2. The proposed change to the Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Licensing Policy be approved with an implementation date of 1 December 2023.
Supporting documents: