Consideration was given to a report on Selective Licensing of Private Rented Accommodation.
As members may recall a report was presented to Cabinet in November 2022 which detailed the outcome of a Selective Licensing option appraisal. Subsequently approval was granted to explore Selective Licensing in 3 areas of the borough (Central Stockton, North Thornaby and Newtown).
Following a detailed assessment of each of these areas, approval was sought to commence consultation on the proposed implementation of Selective Licensing in the three designated areas of Central Stockton, North Thornaby and Newtown. Central Stockton and North Thornaby were proposed on the basis that they were areas that were or were likely to become areas of low housing demand, had high concentrations of private rented properties (well above the national average) and were experiencing high levels of deprivation. Newtown was proposed as an area experiencing significant and persistent problems caused by high levels of crime and anti-social behaviour, with high concentrations of private rented properties (well above the national average) and was experiencing high levels of deprivation. The Council would charge a fee to cover the cost of operating a Selective Licensing scheme, this would be a ring-fenced account solely in connection with the scheme. As the Council was seeking to support responsible landlords, a £50.00 discount per property would be offered for landlords who were members of the Council’s Voluntary Accreditation Scheme or PLuSS (Private Landlords Supporting Stockton) or were members of a nationally recognised landlords’ association.
1. The evidence base to support the introduction of Selective Licensing of private rented accommodation in three designated areas (Central Stockton, North Thornaby and Newtown), as detailed in the attached Selective Licensing Scheme Proposal and Appendix 1 of the report Evidence Base be noted.
2. Approval ‘in principle’ be granted to pursue a Selective Licensing scheme in Central Stockton, North Thornaby and Newtown as detailed within the attached Selective Licensing Scheme Proposal.
3. Subject to the above, Officers be instructed to commence a detailed programme of public consultation to ensure that the Council takes “reasonable steps to consult with persons who are likely to be affected by the designation”, as required Section 80(9) Part 3 of the Housing Act 2004 and in accordance with relevant Government guidance.
4. A further report be presented back to Cabinet following the conclusion of the above public consultation exercise. This report will inform Cabinet of the outcomes of the consultation and allow Cabinet to determine whether to make a Selective Licensing designation (covering Central Stockton, North Thornaby and Newtown) or not.
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