The Committee considered the Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees – Annual Report 2022-2023. Local Healthwatch organisations are required to produce an Annual Report setting out their aims and achievements, and this latest document, an overview of which was given by the Chair of Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees’ who was in attendance, included the following:
• Message from our Chair
• About us
• Highlights from our year
• Listening to your experiences
• Advice and information
• Volunteers
• Finance and future priorities
• Statutory statements
With reference to an accompanying presentation which summarised the content of the Annual Report, it was noted that Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees was commissioned by Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council (SBC) with the aim of understanding the needs and experiences of those who use local services. As an independent champion for people across the Borough, Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees employ four staff members and have 13 volunteers (Healthwatch Champions) assisting its work.
Priorities and key achievements across the past year were noted, including the initial development of Youthwatch (a platform for young people to have their say about health and care services), involvement with the Integrated Care System (ICS) at a national, regional and local level, and contributions to the Public Health Growing Healthy Stockton-on-Tees consultation. The 10-year Healthwatch celebration event (which the local team led on) was also an important milestone during 2022-2023, as was the implementation of the Healthwatch Hero initiative which highlights individuals whose voice and determination to make a difference has supported improvement of services.
The top three priorities for 2023-2024 were outlined, namely a Growing Older Project (a local review to support a response to the national requirement to improve the planning process for when families can no longer support their family member to stay at home), Pharmacy (involving the Enter and View process), and a rolling programme of coffee mornings (to help reach deprived areas and aid in reducing health inequalities). An array of supporting intentions was also listed, including partnership-working around the establishment of the new Mental Health Hub, the development of a Healthwatch Heroes cohort, and the continuing evolvement of the role within the ICS, particularly at ‘place’ (local) level.
Committee comments / questions began with some further probing around the Youthwatch concept. It was stated that a number of meetings had been held to progress this initiative which had included engagement with young people, some of whom had attended Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees Board meetings. A suggestion was made that there may be benefits in contacting Bright Minds Big Futures (BMBF), a national award-winning youth-led movement, working together with SBC to make the Borough a great place to grow up.
In giving its support for the stated future priorities, the Committee queried whether one of these, namely the rolling programme of coffee mornings, would tap into existing gatherings or involve new opportunities. In response, Members heard that the focus was more on new offers as opposed to those already in existence, though the Chair was happy to discuss this further with Healthwatch colleagues. In related matters, Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees had recently recruited an individual with specific experience of accessing communities which have traditionally been difficult to engage.
Examining other elements of the future priorities list, the Committee noted that health inequalities were prevalent across all geographic locations, not just within deprived areas, and also commended the intended Enter and View work around pharmacies. In terms of the latter, the recent closure of some of the Borough’s services had led to increased pressure on remaining providers – Members felt this should be explored further.
Noting the reference to the new Mental Health Hub, the Committee asked for more detail on its structure and target audience. Developed through Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV) working alongside Catalyst, it would be located in Stockton High Street (Wellington Square) and provide opportunities for early intervention / support and a route into related initiatives. Plans were still developing and further information could be sought if desired. Members drew attention to the impact of the COVID pandemic on young people and felt there was a need for focus on this demographic.
AGREED that the Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees – Annual Report 2022-2023 be noted.
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