Agenda item

Appointments to Committees and Panels


Consideration was given to a report that reviewed the allocation of seats to political groups as prescribed by the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990.


At the Annual Meeting on 24 May 2023, Councill appointed to Committees, Panels etc, in accordance with the Constitution and statutory political balance requirements. Committee size was set out in the Council’s Constitution. However, in the case of Executive Scrutiny, the size and political balance of that committee could not be determined until Council had appointed a committee chair and the chairs of each select committee. The Council’s constitution, para 2.37, stated:-


“The Executive Scrutiny Committee will be comprised of a Chair appointed by Council, plus the Chairs of the 5 thematic Select Committees, together with such other Members as are necessary to achieve political balance”.


A recalculation had been made and a total membership of 12 was required comprising 5 Conservatives, 5 Labour (the appointed chairs of Selects) and 1 Thornaby Independent (the appointed Exec chair) and 1 Ingleby Barwick Independents Association. Appendix A to the report set out the revised membership of Executive Scrutiny Committee for approval.


Following the recent Hartburn election, a recalculation of the political balance of all Council committees had taken place and in accordance with that, Appendix B to the report sets out the wishes of political groups in the filling of seats for approval.


In addition, Appendix C to the report highlighted the outstanding vacancies yet to be filled by the Council.




1. The following revised membership of the Executive Scrutiny Committee be approved:-




Cllr Ian Dalgarno

Cllr Stefan Houghton

Cllr Barbara Inman

Cllr David Reynard

Cllr Vanessa Sewell

Cllr Marcus Vickers

Cllr Alan Watson

Cllr Sally Ann Watson

Cllr Barry Woodhouse




Cllr Niall Innes

Cllr Lynn Hall

Cllr Sufi Mubeen

Cllr Laura Tunney


Final Membership of the Executive Scrutiny Committee:-


Cllr Pauline Beall

Cllr Marc Besford

Cllr Carol Clark

Cllr Richard Eglington

Cllr Lynn Hall

Cllr Niall Innes

Cllr Sufi Mubeen

Cllr Ross Patterson

Cllr Tony Riordan

Cllr Marilyn Surtees

Cllr Laura Tunney

Cllr Sylvia Walmsley


2. The following revised memberships be approved:-


Adult Social Care and Health Select Committee

Remove - Cllr Emily Tate

Add - Cllr Lynn Hall


Crime and Disorder Select Committee

Remove - Cllr Hugo Stratton

Add - Cllr Jason French


People Select Committee

Remove - Cllr Sufi Mubeen

Add - Cllr Niall Innes


Place Select Committee

Remove - Cllr John Coulson

Add - Cllr Andrew Sherris


Audit and Governance Committee

Remove - Cllr Tony Riordan

Add - Cllr Susan Scott


Planning Committee

Remove - Cllr John Coulson

Add - Cllr Lynn Hall


General Licensing Committee

Remove - Cllr David Reynard

Add - Cllr Jason French


Statutory Licensing Committee

Remove - Cllr David Reynard

Add - Cllr John Coulson


Health and Wellbeing Board

Remove - Cllr Tony Riordan

Add - Cllr Diane Clarke


Corporate Parenting Board

Remove - Cllr David Reynard

Add - Cllr Alex Griffiths


Home Safety Association

Remove - Cllr John Gardner

Add - Cllr Sufi Mubeen


River Tees Port Health Authority

Remove - Cllr Vanessa Sewell

Add - Cllr Lynn Hall


TVCA Scrutiny Committee

Remove - Cllr David Reynard (As named substitute for Cllr Tony Riordan)

Add - Cllr Lynn Hall (As named substitute for Cllr Tony Riordan)


TVCA Audit and Governance Committee

Remove - Cllr Tony Riordan (As named substitute for Cllr David Reynard)

Add - Cllr Niall Innes (As named substitute for Cllr David Reynard)


Tees Valley Joint Health Scrutiny Committee

Remove - Cllr Sufi Mubeen

Add - Cllr Lynn Hall


3. The following appointments be made to the outstanding vacancies:-


Schools’ Workforce Joint Consultative Committee - Cllr Vanessa Sewell

The Spence Bequest - The Worshipful the Mayor, Cabinet Member for Health Leisure & Culture and the Chair of People Select Committee

Supporting documents: