Agenda item

Vibrant and Thriving Town Centres - Regeneration Update


Consideration was given to a report on the Council’s ambitious regeneration programme and outlined proposed next steps for place-based economic development and growth.


Ensuring the Borough’s town centres are prosperous, vibrant places that are fit for future generations was key to attracting investment, creating opportunities, and improving outcomes for communities across Stockton-on-Tees.


The level of ambition was attracting significant interest from private developers, who were keen to be involved in the next phase of design and development. The report provided an update on progress to date, along with proposals to confirm future focus. It included:


• A progress report on regeneration plans for Stockton Town Centre, Thornaby and Billingham


• A proposal to consider future facilities in Stockton Town Centre, including options for the leisure centre, library and register office as well as proposing plans for the historic Town Hall and Shambles


• An update on the redevelopment of Dunedin House and our Office Accommodation Strategy


• An update on the Thornaby Town Deal and in particular the potential requirement to provide a loan to enable the development of NETA facilities


• Proposals to see a Sports Hub created in Billingham on the former Billingham Campus site


The report also considered the strategic importance of areas with further development potential, including Teesdale Business Park and the Marshalling Yards.


Building on work to date, the report proposed that regeneration blueprints be developed for each of the six towns, which would outline the vision and future strategy for these areas. The blueprints would be used to promote and inform future investment and form the basis for detailed masterplans for key sites where appropriate.




1. The development of regeneration blueprints for our six town centres outlining a regeneration narrative and development strategy be approved. This includes an externally commissioned blueprint for Stockton Town Centre and Teesdale.


2. The preparation of development briefs be approved and agreement to undertake more formal engagement with potential development partner/s for:


a. The current Municipal Buildings site and surrounding area. This should consider options for retaining/incorporating the current Stockton Central Library site

b. The Stockton Waterfront site adjacent to the urban park


3. Options be re-assessed for the future leisure offer for Stockton Town Centre as a component of the Stockton and Teesdale blueprint


4. The development of a Masterplan and business case be approved for development at Teesdale, based around potential for a Care and Health Zone


5. The repurposing of the Town Hall be approved in principle and the principle of re-locating the Register Office and service into the building.


6. A further report be brought once plans have been developed to allocate the funding, which is currently approved for the town centre redevelopments


7. The commitment be confirmed to supporting redevelopment in Billingham Town Centre and the work underway to assess redevelopment options for Billingham in light of the unsuccessful Levelling Up Bid be noted.


8. The allocation be approved of £4m from the £6m provided from the Tees Valley Combined Authority to help drive economic growth in Billingham as part of their refreshed 10-year investment plan in July 2022 to support the development of the Sports Hub on the former Billingham Campus site.


9. Work ongoing with Education Training Collective (ETC) to explore funding options to support the redevelopment of the NETA facility as part of Thornaby Town Deal be noted and agreement to recommend a loan of up to £4m with a further report to Council seeking formal approval should a loan be required.


10. The revised cost estimate be approved and the revised funding profile be agreed to deliver the Office Accommodation Strategy.

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