Agenda item

Overview Reports 2023

- Community Services, Environment and Culture

- Corporate Services

- Finance, Development and Regeneration


The Select Committee received annual overview reports outlining the challenges and opportunities and priorities for the year ahead from the following three directorates:


           Community Services, Environment and Culture

           Corporate Services

           Finance, Development and Regeneration


Key issues highlighted and discussed were as follows:

• Members requested if officers could provide a glossary of terms with future reports.

• Members thanked library staff for the service they provided to residents.

• A discussion was held on issues with call answering times. Officers responded that they were aware of the situation. The ongoing cost of living crisis had increased the demand for Council services and impacted on call waiting times. Staffing issues and the training of new staff had also impacted on the service. The average call waiting time had reduced from 16 minutes in 2022 to 11.5 minutes to June 2023.

• The Council had implemented a call back system to allow individuals to exit a call but retain their place in the call queue and receive a call back.

• Officers highlighted a successful recruitment campaign for Customer Services Advisors in partnership with the Council’s Employment and Training Hub.

• Members thanked staff for their dedication to training customer service staff and the service provided.

• The ‘My Council’ feature on the Council website was discussed. As of June 2023, there were 23,579 My Council accounts registered.

• In June 2023, there were 2298 digital and 1639 manual transactions recorded for Care for Your Area.

• Members praised the Business and IP Centre and the success of the Newcastle Building Society and Yarm Library co-location and questioned if there were any plans for similar mergers. Officers responded that the Council had invited Newcastle Building Society to consider other sites for co-locations with libraries and always welcomed interest in partnerships from the private sector.

• A discussion was held on the new Stockton town centre riverside event space. It was hoped that the Riverside Park would be completed in time for the 2025 Stockton and Darlington Railway Bicentenary Celebrations.

• Members commented on the upcoming Parliamentary Boundary changes and officers reassured Members that measures to inform residents would be progressed as necessary.

• A discussion was held on staff absences and wellbeing. The new Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), which included a wellbeing support 24/7, 365 days telephone helpline, available to all staff through the Vivup partnership was highlighted.

• Members requested to view staff training. Officers agreed to follow up this request.

• The Council’s apprenticeships programme was praised by Members.

• Members asked for an update on Dunedin House. Officers responded that contractors were on site and staff would start to move over to Dunedin from Autumn 2023. The process of moving staff would take approximately nine months to one year.

• A discussion was held on the financial advantages of Xentrall services for the Council and the potential for future partnerships with other organisations.  


AGREED that:


1)         the three Overview reports be noted.

2)         the further information be provided as requested.        

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