Consideration was given to planning application 23/0057/LA Playground South West of 2 to 16 Mount Pleasant Walk, Stillington
Planning permission was sought for the creation of a multi-use games area with associated enclosure, footpath and lighting.
Under the Council's Scheme of Delegation, the application was put forward for determination by the Planning Committee as the scheme did not constitute “minor development”.
No objections had been received from neighbouring residents or statutory consultees subject to a number of conditions. The Parish Council had written in in support of the proposal.
The proposed development was considered to be of an appropriate scale, design and layout for its setting, achieved satisfactory spacing from surrounding properties and was not considered that it would result in any unacceptable impacts on residential amenity. The proposed scheme was considered to satisfy National and Local Plan policies and as such was recommended for approval.
The consultees that had been notified and the comments that had been received were detailed within the main report.
Neighbours were notified and the comments received were detailed within the main report.
The planning policies and material planning considerations that were relevant to the consideration of the application were contained within the main report.
The Planning Officers report concluded that overall, it was considered that the proposed development was an appropriate scale and design for its setting and the proposal would not result in any unacceptable impacts on the residential amenity of neighbouring properties.
The proposal accorded with the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework and the local plan policies therefore it was recommended that the application be approved with conditions.
A brief debate around the proximity of the games area to residential properties was had, as the photograph which was shown during the presentation looked as if the MUGA was too close. Officers clarified the positioning of housing in the picture and confirmed that the games area wasn’t too close to residential properties.
A vote took place, and the application was approved.
RESOLVED that planning application 23/0057/LA be approved subject to the following conditions and informatives;
Time Limit
01 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of Three years from the date of this permission.
Approved Plans
02 The development hereby approved shall be in accordance with the following approved plan(s);
Plan Reference Number Date Received
UDN_2074_07 25 January 2023
UDN_2074_06 19 January 2023
UDN_2074_10 19 January 2023
SLDS-3769-V1A 12 January 2023
TS/10088/102/1304A 12 January 2023
UDN-2074-04 REV D 12 January 2023
UDN_2074_05 12 January 2023
UDN_2074_05 REV A 12 January 2023
03 Construction activity
No construction activity shall take place on the premises before 8.00 a.m. on weekdays and 9.00a.m on Saturdays nor after 6.00 p.m. on weekdays and 1.00 p.m. on Saturdays (nor at any time on Sundays or Bank Holidays).
04 Multi Use Games Area Lighting - Hours of use
Notwithstanding details hereby approved, the lighting scheme hereby approved which relates to the Multi Use Games Area shall only be used between the hours of 4pm - 10pm.
INFORMATIVE OF REASON FOR PLANNING APPROVAL Informative: Working Practices The Local Planning Authority found the submitted details satisfactory subject to the imposition of appropriate planning conditions and has worked in a positive and proactive manner in dealing with the planning application.
Supporting documents: