Consideration was given to a report on the Local Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document.
A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provided guidance on how Local Plan policies were applied and would be a material consideration when determining applications for planning permission within the Borough.
This “Local Design Guide” SPD had been prepared as part of a suite of guidance documents that expanded on policies within the adopted Local Plan (2019). The Local Design Guide SPD and accompanying technical appendices (Appendices A – E to the report) were intended as a guide for the design of development sites, with an aim to improving the quality of design within development proposals.
The Local Design Guide SPD and accompanying technical appendices had been published for public consultation and the documents had been amended where appropriate based on the consultation comments received.
It was recommended to adopt the SPD to be used in the determination of planning applications from the point of adoption. If adopted this SPD would supersede and replace existing planning guidance.
The SPD had been prepared in accordance with Government legislation and guidance and had been subject to public consultation in accordance with regulations. Comments raised had been considered and, where necessary adjustments to the documents had been made. It was therefore recommended that the documents, as amended and attached at Appendix A to E of the report be adopted.
Following adoption, the documents would be made available in the Council’s main offices, on the Council’s website and in public libraries across the Borough. The SPD would be a material consideration in planning applications. Members were also made aware that legislation made provision for individuals / organisations to pursue a legal challenge regarding SPDs, and this would end 3-months after adoption of the documents.
RECOMMENDED to Council that:-
1. Council notes the contents of the report.
2. Council note and consider comments of Planning Committee (to be tabled at meeting).
3. Council adopts the Local Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document and its accompanying technical appendices.
4. Council delegates the authority to approve non-material and minor alterations to the SPD and its accompanying technical appendices to the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing, and the Director of Finance, Development and Regeneration, prior to publication.
5. Council note that the Local Design SPD will apply to all planning applications submitted to the Council after the adoption date and the following Supplementary Planning Documents will be superseded:
• Supplementary Planning Document 1: Sustainable Design Guide
• Supplementary Planning Guidance: High Density Development: Flats and Apartments
• Supplementary Planning Document: Shop Front Design and Advertisements
• The following elements of Supplementary Planning Document: Open Space, Recreation and Landscaping:
• 8) Landscaping on development sites
• Appendix 2- Planting within Stockton-on-Tees
• Appendix 3- Tree protection
• Appendix 4: Tree planting specification for softscape areas
Supporting documents: