Agenda item

Levelling Up Fund round 1 progress update


Consideration was given to a report Levelling Up Fund Round 1 Progress Update.


The report provided an update on work undertaken since approval of Round 1 Levelling Up Funding (LUF) and sought approval for submission of a formal request into Department for Levelling Up Homes and Communities (DLUHC) to reprofile and reallocate funding across the approved programme of interventions.


Following the report to Cabinet in July 2022, work had been ongoing to develop a greater level of detail around the agreed interventions under the LUF Round 1 programme as well as further engagement with the public to help refine options for Yarm High Street.


The approved LUF programme at approval in 2021 saw £20million split across Preston Park, Museum and Grounds (£9m), Yarm High Street (£6.5m) and cycle infrastructure (£4.5m) supplemented by co funding from Council funds and Yarm Town Council.


The report gave updates on:-


-           Levelling Up Fund Scope

-           Yarm High Street - Public Realm Improvement Scheme

-           Yarm Town Hall

-           Preston Park Museum and Grounds

-           Cycleways


With regard to the budget position the LUF funding was split across the three themes within the scope of LUF funding based on estimates at the time of submitting the LUF bid.  The body of the report had set out a more detailed view on work undertaken and provided a clearer understanding of costs and deliverability across the interventions.


The detail within the report demonstrated that there was a cost pressure on the envisaged scope of interventions at Preston Park and across the full extent of the proposed cycle infrastructure.  Given the budget requirement and deficit against approved allocations for Preston Park and the cycle infrastructure, a reallocation of LUF funding from Yarm High Street could enable delivery of the full scope of planned works at Preston Park but would still not enable the delivery of more than one cycle route.


Taking the above detail and considerations into account it was recommended that Cabinet agree to the principle of reallocating £3m LUF funding from Yarm High Street to support delivery of interventions in Preston Park Museum and Gardens.  A table within the report summarised the approved position bid and proposed changes.




1. The principle of reallocating of £3million LUF funds previously estimated to be required for Yarm High Street to support a broader range of interventions in Preston Park as set out in paragraph 29 of the report be agreed.


2. The challenges associated with delivering the original scope of cycle infrastructure be noted and the delivery of a single route, as set out in paragraph 26 of the report be approved.


3. The submission of a formal Project Adjustment Request into DLUHC reflecting the spend profile detailed in paragraphs 29-30 of the report be approved.


4. Delegate authority be given to agree final scheme details and any associated contracts or agreements to enable delivery of the LUF programme to the Director of Finance, Development and Regeneration in consultation with Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing and Director of Corporate Services.

Supporting documents: