Consideration was given to the assessments of progress on the implementation of the recommendations from the Committee’s previously completed review of Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs). This was the second progress update following the Committee’s agreement of the Action Plan in March 2022 and, in addition to the information outlined in the written submission, key developments were noted as follows:
• Recommendation 2 (Consideration be given to an increased dedicated and visible multi-agency presence (including the use of recently enhanced SBC Civic Enforcement resources) within the Borough’s town centres to support local businesses and reassure residents / visitors in identifying and responding to ASB): The Council’s new enforcement officers were doing good work, and there was an enhanced level of support for individuals through joint working with organisations such as CGL. Whilst the Council was trying to reassure the public that it was managing these key areas, the key test would be how safe people feel when living in / working in / visiting the Borough’s town centres (Members also noted that it was important to emphasise how safe people actually were as perceptions could often not match reality).
The Committee was informed that the PSPOs for both Stockton Town Centre and Norton Village would be going live on 3 April 2023, and that the process agreed by the Committee had been used to put this in place. Regarding the consultation exercise undertaken as part of the planning for these PSPOs, 91% of responses regarding the former were in favour of an Order, with almost as many agreeing that one was needed for the latter location.
Further to the forthcoming implementation of the PSPOs, Members drew attention to Stockton BIDs (Business Improvement District) support of these developments and praised the Council for attempting to address the frequent negative perceptions of Stockton Town Centre in particular. Officers noted that a large communications plan was in place around the two PSPOs, and that Cleveland Police were looking to improve its presence within the town centre footprint (to include a further dedicated PCSO in high-demand areas) and continue its partnership-working with the Council.
Recognising an issue that was raised during the Committee’s 2021-2022 review into PSPOs, Members asked if there was any evidence that aggressive beggars had been displaced to other nearby locations. Officers responded that the Council was aware of the danger of this and would track if incidents were being dispersed to neighbouring areas, though also noted that such practices tended to be in places of high footfall, therefore was likely to be seen in the more built-up parts of the Borough.
The Committee thanked officers for the update and looked forward to seeing the longer-term impact of the forthcoming PSPOs. Whilst the two zones offered different challenges, incidents of aggressive begging towards vulnerable individuals needed to be addressed, as did other aspects of anti-social behaviour.
AGREED that the Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) progress update be noted, the assessment for progress be confirmed, and the Action Plan be signed-off as complete (no further updates required).
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