Agenda item

Monitoring the Impact of Previously Agreed Recommendations - Day Opportunities for Adults

Progress report for the previously completed Day Opportunities for Adults review.


Cllr Clare Gamble wished it to be recorded for transparency purposes only that she was an employee of Catalyst.


Consideration was given to the assessment of progress on the implementation of the recommendations from the Scrutiny Review of Day Opportunities for Adults.  This was the first update following the Committee’s agreement of the Action Plan in June 2022 and, in addition to the information outlined in the written submission, key developments were noted and commented upon as follows:


·       Recommendation 1 (SBC and its relevant partners continue working with people accessing services and their families / carers to understand demand for both traditional building-based day service provision and community-based activities. This should include:


a)    The creation of co-production groups that can support the future development of day opportunities: The arrangement of a co-production group for STEPs had followed a slightly different course due to the fact that more people tend to transition through this service than other day opportunity providers.


c)     Considerations around preferences of those with particular needs (including potential for mixing between those with differing needs) and differing demographics (e.g. younger adults): Further to their involvement in contributing to the design of the updated specification of the service, some of the families and informal carers of people who access Ware Street will also be sitting on the tender panel.  The expectation is that this will become normal practice in the future.


d)    Continuing investigations into access to meaningful opportunities as part of a residential placement: 35 different organisations were involved in the Activity Exhibition Showcase on 17 March 2023 at The Hub.


The Committee praised the developments around both the intergenerational Care Homes Games tournament that took place in November 2022 and the Care Homes Legends Games Event scheduled for 9 June 2023 – these innovative initiatives would have a positive impact for those individuals within a residential setting.


f)      Changes to the existing budget for SBC in-house and commissioned services: In addition to the financial monitoring work already undertaken, a new SBC Strategic Analyst was now in post to further understand historical activity and spend, and to support any review of potential future budget requirements.


·       Recommendation 3 (SBC Adults and Health and Children’s Services directorates reinforce joint-working to identify and support opportunities that are most meaningful to younger people (including a reflection on any updated results from the Disabled Children’s Team online survey), and strengthen the dissemination of information about existing services):


The Committee welcomed the stated progress and noted positive feedback from local people in relation to improved service communications during the transition process (a time which can be very unsettling for the young people in question and their families / carers).  With reference to the forthcoming ‘Planning for Adulthood’ event at Abbey Hill School later in March 2023, Members requested feedback on this as part of the next update on progress that would be required at a future Committee meeting.


·       Recommendation 4 (SBC to follow-up with Catalyst regarding the views of the wider VCSE sector around future day opportunities involvement (e.g. promotion of / access to existing VCSE activity, potential funding streams, volunteering)): The refreshed Stockton Information Directory (SID) would be rolled-out in June 2023 and was being promoted by the SBC Fairer Stockton Co-ordinators.  The intended workshop to promote greater collaboration between day opportunity providers and the VCSE sector was now likely to take place in summer 2023 (not spring 2023 as stated).


Whilst accepting that the agreed action in relation to this recommendation was ‘fully achieved’, Members requested feedback from the stated monthly meetings between SBC and Catalyst as part of the next update on progress that would be required at a future Committee meeting.


·       Recommendation 5 (SBC and its relevant health, social care and VCSE partners share and work towards an agreed vision for day opportunities across the Borough through the most appropriate mechanism (existing or new)):


The Committee considered that more evidence of the Borough’s agreed day opportunities vision was required, therefore the assessment of progress for this recommendation would be amended to ‘on-track’.  Links to the local ‘warm spaces’ initiative were also noted by Members, something which some private establishments would be continuing into spring 2023 (further assisting the ongoing drive to address cases of loneliness).


·       Recommendation 7 (SBC ensures, as far as possible, that work experience undertaken by those individuals accessing day services is appropriately recognised): Although the associated actions were deemed ‘fully achieved’, SBC officers intend to seek future feedback from individuals accessing day services in case their preference for having work experience recognised changes.  Decisions on how profits from the Council’s day opportunities enterprise activities were spent will also be monitored moving forward.


Regarding the production of a new newsletter to highlight the activities and achievements of individuals using the Community Day Options service, Members asked if it would be possible to include some commentary conveying the Committee’s thanks to service-users and their families / carers for their contribution in shaping and strengthening the local offer.


·       Recommendation 8 (SBC strengthens links between existing day service providers through the creation of a new peer group to share good practice / resources (inc. volunteering opportunities as a gateway to employment)): SBC was using its experience of strengthening relationships with local care homes to develop a similar network with Council-run and commissioned day opportunity providers.  Members encouraged those within the peer group to enhance volunteering opportunities and provide a platform for people to demonstrate their skills and, potentially, gain future employment as a result.


The Committee commended officers for a comprehensive update and for the considerable progress made in such a short space of time, developments which would have significant benefits for those accessing these services.  Members asked the SBC Strategic Development Manager (Adults & Health) who had presented the update to convey their appreciation back to the other officers involved, in particular the outgoing SBC Transformation Manager (Day Opportunities) who had played such an important role both during and after the Committee’s review.


AGREED that the progress update be noted and assessments for progress be confirmed (subject to identified grading change).


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