Venue: Jim Cooke Conference Suite, Stockton Central Libary, Church Road, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1TU
Contact: Michael Henderson
No. | Item |
Minutes: The evacuation procedure was noted. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 29th Novemeber 2023 Minutes: To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 29th November 2023. RESOLVED that the minutes be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Health Protection Winter Planning Update Minutes: Members were presented with a Health Protection Winter Planning Update presentation. The update covered acute respiratory illness, Covid-19 and flue, vaccinations, other communicable diseases, outbreaks, completed actions and next steps. Acute respiratory illnesses were shown to have decreased inline with the baseline figures for the Northeast since moving into January 2024. Covid-19 positive results were shown to be 7.86% in the Northeast, which was a decrease from the previous weeks 10.14%. Officers highlighted in the presentation that hospital admissions had increased but were lower than the same time the previous year, also noted was the number of deaths in England which had risen but were still relatively low. Officers highlighted to members that over 38,500 Covid vaccines had been administered as part of the Autum booster programme. With the average uptake across the Borough being 48.9% for those eligible. Care Homes had a higher level of uptake at 77.3%. Also highlighted to Members was the uptake in Flu vaccines administered, which were 47.1% for those eligible. Flu in Stockton -On -Tees was shown as having increased from 5.52% the previous week to 8.21%. Members AGREED to note the report. |
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Update Minutes: Members were given an update from Officers on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). Officers gave a brief overview of the purpose of the JSNA, it provides an overview of current and future health and well-being needs of a local population. The key areas and topics that the JSNA focus on needed to be updated and how they are approached to be revised following Covid. Offices and Members acknowledged that by focusing on few topics a more focused approach can be achieved, while a continued focus on inequality and on themes/pathways/communities where appropriate. In the report proposed processes were presented to members, the first step would be to re-establish the joint strategic intelligence group with revised membership. This group would coordinate across partners on behalf of the board. The group would be required to maintain oversight of process & lings across topics/ themes, identify Strategic/ service leads to input to relevant themes/ topics and steer and oversee existing work among other duties outlined in the report. Officers informed members of the next steps to be taken outside of the meeting, the first step would be for the intelligence work group to be convened and provide a list of the top ten topics/ themes for work. The presentation prompted discussion by members some of the key points being: Members were pleased with the top ten outlook on themes/ topics as it had been identified previously that too broad of a focus can be detrimental to making progress. There was also praise for the data driven analysis put forward in the report. It was also suggested that Public Health would take a leading role in the working group due to their close working relationship with NHS partners. Members AGREED to note the report. |
Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy - Strategic Approach Minutes: The Health and Wellbeing System had developed since the production of the last Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy which was due to be refreshed. Officers explained that the refresh process would be achieved through work with Board partners. The recommendations set out in the report were: • Note the background work undertaken to date. • Consider and approve the proposed approach and actively support the proposed Board strategy development sessions. • Support establishing a small task-and-finish group as required, to progress the work on behalf of the Board, including ensuring appropriate staff capacity is identified to sit on this group. • Receive further updates on progress. Officers gave an update to members which outlined the context of the review and how it had evolved since the last Strategy had been produced. And how it would work well with the broader national work such as Build Back Fairer: The Covid-19 Marmot Review. Work had been already undertaken some of which was, The Tees Valley Integrated Care Partnership had produced a Tees Valley ICP plan which set out some of the key work areas across the Tees Valley footprint. Another piece of work which had been undertake by the SBC Public Health to review key population data to help draw out and highlight key health and wellbeing issues for the borough. A resident’s survey had also been undertaken through out the borough, other significant pieces of engagement work had been undertaken with the community which would be drawn on to support and inform the development of the strategy. Offices went on to highlight the proposed process of the strategy refresh, which would be two workshops for the Health & Wellbeing Board which would: • Review the current Strategy including discussion on how far it has driven joint action and strategic direction across the system and enabled effective delivery against strategic outcomes. • Discuss and agree how the system and the Board should work together to achieve strategic outcomes set out in the new Strategy as it is developed, including the fit of the Strategy in the wider local system (e.g. in relation to the ICP place plan and the new Local Partnership Board) • Review the key population data (in the context of national policy) to enable the Board to take a view on key strategic priorities and scope for the new Strategy. Update reports would be brought to the Health & Wellbeing Board periodically as the Strategy development progressed. Members AGREED the recommendations. |
Care and Health Zone Minutes: Members of the Board were given an presentation on the Care and Health Zone Project. The vision for the development of the existing business park and surrounding area was put forward. Officers highlighted several points to members during the presentation, they were as follows: • To breathe considerable new life into Teesdale Business Park and ensure all 50 hectares are fully utilised. We will create the buzz and dynamic environment that Teesdale has always promised but has, as yet not fully delivered. • To bring forward the holistic regeneration of the 60 hectares Tees Marshalling Yards site for both employment and housing and other ancillary uses. • To grow all aspects of the health, public-health and social care sector, and their supply chains, on Teesdale Business Park and the Marshalling Yards and make us a recognised UK cluster. • To link the new Care and Health Innovation Zone with Stockton Town Centre, to unlock the potential of the scheme and boost connectivity through transport and active travel links. The rationale of the development was also discussed with the key points being, the creation of jobs and further prosperity in the borough, build better resourced/equipped health and social care sector and meet housing needs and help address the housing crisis. Following the presentation members discussed with Officers the if an estimated timeframe for the work had been agreed. Officers emphasised that the project was a long-term vision for the area and members would be given regular updates as milestones and timeframes were agreed. Members AGREED to note the report. |
Right Care, Right Person Minutes: Officers presented the Right Care, Right Person update to members. This was a report originally given by the Police to other organisations. Officers brought it to the Health & Wellbeing meeting as it would be useful to inform members about the scheme. The report sets out that the Right Care, Right Person project (RCRP) was a national project which would be delivered by Cleveland Police working with local partners. Also covered in the presentation was the governance of the project from the Executive Management Board chaired by the Police to tactical delivery meetings which would be held with local partners. How and when data would be reviewed to judge the impact of the project was also covered in the report, which Members expressed an interest in the data and if it would show what the impact on Police time the project would have. Members discussed that in the past Police had been required to attend instances involving mental health issue, which with the new proposal instances like this would be handled with other partner organisations more effectively. While still acknowledging that some instances would require a Police presence. Members were also keen to know if the project would allow more robust communication channels between the various partners, Health services and Police. Which Officers were able to assure them that a line of communication was in the framework of the project, and they would be able to bring further updates to future meetings. Members AGREED to note the update. |
Members Updates Minutes: The Health Watch informed members that they would be holding an annual event on 21st February 2024, with any board members being welcome to attend. There were no further members updates. |
Minutes: The forward plan was noted. |