Venue: Jim Cooke Conference Suite, Stockton Central Libary, Church Road, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1TU
Contact: Judy Trainer Email: [email protected]
No. | Item |
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 26 July 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Alcohol Harm Reduction Steering Group Update (alcohol care team update to follow) Additional documents: Minutes: The Health and Wellbeing Board had established an Alcohol-related Harm Steering Group in September 2019. The group had developed a strategic framework supported by an annual action plan. The group’s work resulted in system-wide strategic approaches which gave rise to expansion of treatment and recovery services, improvement in recovery pathways and a strengthened approach to preventative activities.
The Alcohol Care Team (ACT) in North Tees Hospital had been in place for a year. The team provided onsite advice and treatment for patients admitted to hospital requiring unscheduled alcohol detox and or advice. The team liaised with community-based services to ensure continuity of care on discharge from hospital.
Community-based substance misuse services for Stockton-on-Tees were provided by Change Grow Live (CGL). The service provided support, advice, and treatment for people on their recovery journey for drugs and/or alcohol.
The Board received a presentation from the Alcohol Care Team which outlined the role of the Team and positive impact on patient health, a reduction in violent incidents, prevented admissions and re-admissions and a reduction in alcohol related deaths. The Board also received a presentation from Change Grow Live on the recovery services in Stockton including Healthy Habits, peer support, professional support, medication, and detox.
Key issues highlighted and discussed:
• There had been an increase in referrals to alcohol care teams locally and nationally and, if necessary, more sustainable resources might be required for the Alcohol Care Team. Engagement and preventative work had a role in easing service demands • Unlike smoking prevalence, alcohol dependency occurred across all socio-economic groups, however, the impact of dependence was felt more deeply in deprived communities • The alcohol treatment pathway presented focused on adults. However, the provider is also providing alcohol/ substance misuse services for children and young people. Current work ongoing to further understand need and improve services.
RESOLVED that the update and presentations be noted. |
Domestic Abuse Steering Group Update (workforce development slides to follow) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Domestic Abuse Strategy had been approved by the Board in December 2022 and, since then, an action plan had been developed through a workshop with partner organisations. The Domestic Abuse Steering Group received themed updates on the delivery of the action plan. Most recently, the updates had been in relation to workforce development and NHS pathways to specialist support.
The Board received presentations on:
• Harbour: Workforce development • Harbour: GP Independent Domestic Violence Advocate • NTHFT: Hospital Independent Domestic Violence Advocate
The Board were encouraged to raise awareness of the training programme withing their organisations. Bespoke sessions could be offered and there was flexibility on the days/ times for delivering the sessions. Current training dates would be circulated to the Board.
The Board acknowledged the positive impact of the GP and Trust IDVA. Case studies would be circulated to the Board.
RESOLVED That the update and presentations be noted. |
Health and Wellbeing Partnerships' Update Minutes: This Board received an update on the discussions being undertaken by the Adults Health and Wellbeing Partnership and the Children and Young People’s Partnership. It highlighted the significant collaborative working and the important and invaluable links that were made, between Partners, at each meeting. This report covered meetings held in July 2023.
It was clarified that GP practices sent out invitations to eligible patients for an NHS health check every five years, however, patients could also request an NHS health check themselves.
RESOLVED that the update be noted.
Members' Update Minutes: There were no Member Updates. |
Minutes: The following items would be added to the forward plan:
• NHS Dentistry Provision – October • Mapping of VCS Health and Social Care Organisations - November
RESOLVED that the forward plan be noted. |