Venue: Jim Cooke Conference Suite, Stockton Central Libary, Church Road, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1TU
Contact: Michael Henderson
No. | Item |
Evacuation Procedure Minutes: The evacuation procedure was noted by members. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 26 June 2024 Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Healthwatch Annual Report Minutes: Members considered the Healthwatch Annual Report 2023/2024. The Board received specific updates relating to Healthwatch’s reviews of Dentistry and Drugs and Alcohol. Discussion and key points: ¾ The Board noted the challenges, for residents of the Borough, in accessing dentistry services and recognised the need for national reform. ICB had been delegated responsibility for dentistry from NHS England and planned significant investment across its area, which included Stockton.
¾ Members were informed that the finalised Dentistry report, by Healthwatch, would be presented to the Board as soon as available.
¾ It was explained that anyone in need of urgent dental care should initially contact local dentists. However, if they were unable to secure an urgent appointment they should ring 111, where they would be triaged and directed to emergency dental care, if appropriate.
¾ Future commissioning of dental services would be flexible and look at targeting patients in most need, as well as general care and prevention. RESOLVED that the Annual Report and updates on Dentistry and Drugs and Alcohol be noted. |
Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy - Update Minutes: The Board considered a presentation relating to the final stages of the development of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The presentation made recommendations relating to the approach, timeline and content of the Strategy. RESOLVED that the recommendations, as detailed in the presentation, be approved and the draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy be presented to the Board’s September meeting. |
Health Protection Collaborative - Update Minutes: The Board considered a presentation relating to health protection issues produced by the Health Protection Collaborative. Discussion and key points, included:- ¾ Information on shingles and the shingles vaccine would be forwarded to Board members.
¾ Flu vaccination cohorts had been announced and would commence on 1 September. Covid vaccination cohorts would be announced shortly. RESOLVED that the update and discussion be noted. |
Health and Wellbeing Board - Function and Development Minutes: It was explained that, during the recent workshop sessions, to develop the new Health and Wellbeing Strategy, for the borough, it had been agreed to revisit the functions of the Board, the format of Board meetings and the opportunity for Board development. The first proposed steps for the Board’s consideration and approval were: - Arrange development sessions to follow the next three Board meetings. The sessions would potentially receive some external facilitation.
- Amend terms of reference as necessary
- The report proposed areas of focus for the development sessions:
- Board Function, added value, oversight, co-production, assurance, impact/performance. Each development session would consider what the discussion would mean for the Board’s Terms of Reference. Discussion:- It was important that impact/performance data was contextualised e,g. a narrative provided if the local system was an outlier in any area RESOLVED that the proposals for the Board’s development sessions be approved. |
Members' Updates Minutes: There were no updates |
Minutes: It was agreed that non urgent items be deferred to future months to allow as much time as possible on the development sessions that would follow the next three meetings. Right Care Right Person to be deferred to October. Winter Plans to potentially come in September Draft Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy – September Development sessions and a resetting of the Forward Plan, in January, would provide an opportunity to balance the business being considered across children and adults. Presentations as a system was considered the best approach. RESOLVED that the Forward Plan be noted. |