Agenda and minutes

Health & Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 28th June, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Jim Cooke Conference Suite, Stockton Central Libary, Church Road, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1TU

Contact: Michael Henderson 

No. Item


Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Better Care Fund Planning Requirements 23 - 25 pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a report seeking approval for the Stockton-on-Tees BCF planning requirements for 2023-25. The BCF Framework set out the Government’s priorities for 2023 – 25 including improving discharge, reducing the pressure on Urgent and Emergency Care and social care, supporting intermediate care, unpaid carers and housing adaptations.


The vision for BCF was to support people to live healthy, independent and dignified lives, through joining up health, social care and housing services seamlessly around the person.


Officers highlighted that monitoring reports had become time consuming for the team and no feedback or comparisons were supplied as a result of the information provided. The Board commented that Stockton-on-Tees should not be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as poorer performing areas and suggested that the Local Government Association should also take the matter up with the Department for Health.


The Board acknowledged the considerable work that had gone into producing the report and the input of GPs. Building on the positive collaborative working, it was the intention to include the voluntary and community sector and housing in future planning work.




(1) That the Stockton-on-Tees BCF planning requirements for 2023-25 be approved for submission.


(2) That concerns be raised that the requirements for submitting fortnightly, monthly and annual reports have become an onerous task for the Delivery Group.


Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022 Update pdf icon PDF 164 KB


The Board considered a report advising of the following changes to the PNA:


• Closure of a pharmacy within Sainsbury’s at Whitehouse Farm

• Proposed consolidation of two pharmacies in Billingham town centre

• An application for a new pharmacy at Elm Tree Centre, Stockton-on-Tees


Discussion and key points:-


• The Board acknowledged that they could not object to the closure of the Lloyds Pharmacy at Sainsbury’s because had the pharmacy not existed at the time the PNA was written, a gap would not have been identified

• Decisions to close pharmacies were national decisions and staff recruitment problems were likely to be a factor

• Concerns about access arising from closures were expressed and could be considered through wider work




(1) That the closure of the pharmacy within Sainsbury’s at Whitehouse Farm be noted, that no supplementary statement be issued and that an updated map of pharmaceutical services be published.


(2) That the publication of a supplementary statement and an updated map of pharmaceutical services in relation to the consolidation of the two pharmacies in Billingham town centre be approved once the consolidation date is known.


(3) That the application for a new pharmacy at Elm Tree be noted.


(4) That the change in regulations allowing a reduction on 100-hour pharmacies core opening hours be noted.


(5) That a further report be submitted to the Board on pharmacy provision.


Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities (SEND) Strategy - Progress and next steps for 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 198 KB


The Children and Families Act 2014 introduced significant changes to the systems and approaches for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and/or disabilities.


The Board received a report outlining plans for the 2023/24 SEND strategy and the establishment of the Local Inclusion Partnership.


The Board paid tribute to the work of the SEND team in developing an innovative digital approach to create quality Education Health and Care Plans. The Council had scooped a national award in recognition of the work carried out at the Municipal Journal’s national awards.


RESOLVED that the proposed action plan and priorities for 2023/24 be endorsed and a further report be submitted to the Board in September 2023.


Members' Updates


Problems with accessing GPs and dentistry had been highlighted at recent meetings including the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Partnership and the North East Joint Scrutiny Network. It was noted that the Government had announced a recovery plan and work was being carried out with practices to implement plans.


The Board noted that this would have been Ann Workman’s final Board meeting prior to her retirement and recorded a vote of thanks and well wishes for her retirement.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 120 KB


The Board noted the Forward Plan.


It was agreed that the August meeting be cancelled and the business re-scheduled to July or September.


The Board requested a future item on Vaping and also an update on Nitrous Oxide abuse as part of a wider drugs update.