Agenda and minutes

Health & Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 29th March, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Jim Cooke Conference Suite, Stockton Central Libary, Church Road, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1TU

Contact: Michael Henderson on e mail:  [email protected] 

No. Item


Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.



Minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2023 pdf icon PDF 116 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2023 were confirmed as a correct record.



Post Covid pdf icon PDF 937 KB


The Board received an update relating to Post COVID Syndrome.


The update included:-


- a definition of Post COVID and a clinical picture of it.

- rates of prevalence

- new vaccine research

- an overview of the Tees Active Post COVID Physical Activity Pilot

- details of North Tees Hospital Foundation Trust Post COVID Assessment Service




- Working with employers would be an important avenue to highlight Post COVID Syndrome and the support that was available. Targeted work with sectors such as education and care would be considered.


- It would be important to work with benefit maximisation teams to ensure those affected were receiving eligible financial support.


- The presentation had focused on the evaluation of the over 19s but there was also a children’s service and an evaluation of that service could be presented to a future meeting.


- There was an estimated 6000 people with Post COVID, in the borough. Many of these would not need support and some may receive support via their GP and services that they were already being supported by.


- The Board noted the beneficial affects vaccinations could have, on an individual, in terms of reducing the severity of Post COVID. However, vaccinations could not necessarily prevent Post COVID and a range of factors would influence severity, including the number of vaccinations someone had received and how long ago they had received them, relative to when they had caught the disease.


- As COVID continued to affect people and new strains were arising it was becoming increasingly difficult to project cases of Post COVID.  The Office for National Statistics survey was coming to an end, which would make projections more difficult.


- Links between the Post COVID Assessment Service and Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys Mental Trust would be of benefit in terms of some patients.


RESOLVED that the update and discussion be noted.



Thrive Stockton on Tees: Transforming Services and Support for Children and Young People with Emotional Health and Wellbeing Needs pdf icon PDF 195 KB


Consideration was given to a report that provided an update on work to transform support for children and young people with emotional health and wellbeing needs in the Borough. It updated on previous reports, and outlined the way this work was being taken forward, some key highlights and actions, and next steps.


Members noted that work to change the support available for children and young people was well advanced and was leading to a significant change in the way services were experienced by children and young people.


It was explained that the focus for future work was to embed and integrate further as the model, outlined, continued to be worked through.


Discussion and key points raised:-


- It was recognised that there were significant challenges associated with dealing with children and young people’s mental health at the current time.


- It was felt that the support being put in place was very positive.


- The Mental Health Support Team, in schools, would support 51% of schools by autumn 2023 and roll out would continue, so that support would be provided to all schools. Feedback from schools was positive.


- As at March 2023, the average wait for young people, awaiting assessment for mental health support, was 28 days.


- Healthwatch would be publishing a report on 0 – 19s, which included findings associated with mental health.


- Members noted that the Kooth on-line support was valued and used, however, it was not suitable for everyone.


- The effect that social media had on mental health and providing appropriate advice and support, in this regard, was a key focus of a number of partners.


RESOLVED that the report and discussion be noted.


Substance Misuse in Stockton on Tees pdf icon PDF 214 KB


The board considered a report that provided an update around substance misuse in the borough and ongoing work to expand local treatment services.  The report also considered substance misuse within the context of reducing health inequalities and the development of a local peer advocacy programme. 


Members noted that:


• substance misuse and drug related deaths remained a significant problem in Stockton-on-Tees.


• the local implementation of the national drug strategy ‘From Harm to Hope’ was supported by additional national funding for the expansion of local drug treatment services and introduction of combatting drug partnerships.


• a Tees Combatting Drug Partnership had been launched to oversee the implementation of the national drug strategy, in support of local action.


• local drug treatment services were expanding their offer to improve access to treatment and recovery.


Discussion and key points:-


- There were an estimated 14 per 1000 head of population, opiate and crack cocaine users, in treatment, in the Borough, 2020/21.


- Children’s Services was interested in exploring opportunities around Family Drug and Alcohol Courts and this would be considered further with colleagues in Public Health.


- There was a general move towards working within communities around treatment and recovery.  The multiple complex needs pilot would include substance misuse.


RESOLVED that the report and discussion be noted.



Members' Updates


It was indicated that there had been a recent announcement that a dentistry provider was ceasing services in Stockton.  This would be raised with the ICB.


The Catalyst representative explained that work relating to Mental Health Transformation had identified gaps around community transport. Catalyst was looking at introducing a scheme whereby volunteers could give lifts to people, using their own cars.  This would require the employment of a coordinator, matching clients to car drivers and making arrangements. This would be investigated further.


Members noted that, at the end of March, the covid oximetry at home service would end, as would an additional appointments scheme and the Acute Respiratory Infection Hubs. Members were also advised of a contract change for GPs, which would, on 1 April, require every patient contact to lead to an outcome and surgeries could not ask patients to try another day.  This would be challenging given the lack of GPs and other clinical staff.


Stockton on Tees Borough Council and North Tees Hospital had achieved a significant reduction in delayed discharges.


The first meeting of the Tees Valley Area ICP would be held on 31 March 2023 and the Chair of this Board had been appointed to Chair it.  The Area Meeting’s Forward plan would be developed to pick up local issues.



Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 122 KB


The Forward Plan was noted.