Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday 10th January, 2024 1.30 pm

Venue: Jim Cooke Conference Suite, Stockton Central Library, Stockton - on - Tees, TS18 1TU

Contact: Sarah Whaley  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Evacuation Procedure pdf icon PDF 9 KB


The Evacuation Procedure was noted.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Planning Protocol pdf icon PDF 43 KB


The Planning Protocol was noted.


23/1709/ADV Land Off St Martins Way, Kirklevington, Retrospective advertisement consent for 3no non illuminated flag/flagpoles, 1no non illuminated fascia signs, 4no non illuminated leader board signs, 11no non illuminated wall signs, 1no internally illuminated monolith sign and 1no non illuminated double sided hoarding sign. pdf icon PDF 174 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to planning application 23/1709/ADV Land Off St Martins Way, Kirklevington.


The application was originally considered at the Planning Committee meeting which was held on 6 December 2023. Members agreed to defer that application with a request for Taylor Wimpey to remove the flag and pole nearest to 1 Moor Close, Kirklevington.


Taylor Wimpey had agreed to this request and the flag and pole was removed on the 13 December 2023.


No further consultations had been undertaken given this was a reduction in the scheme and the comments included in the report were for the original scheme.


Clarification was given to Members around the times that the sign would be illuminated.


A vote took place, and the application was approved.


RESOLVED that advertisement consent 23/1709/ADV be Approved with Conditions subject to the following conditions and informatives;


01 Approved Plans

The development hereby approved shall be in accordance with the following approved plan(s);


Plan Reference Number     Date Received

23016:SA REV H     12 December 2023

SBC0001       3 October 2023


02 Temporary Consent

The signage hereby approved shall be removed on or before the 11 August 2026 or on completion of the final house sale whichever is the sooner.


03 Lighting to the monolith sign

The monolith sign shall not be illuminated outside the hours of 10.00 am - 05.30pm Monday to Sunday.


04 Standard Condition

Any advertisement displayed, and any site used for the display of advertisements shall be;


a) Maintained in a clean and tidy condition to the reasonable satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


b) Any structure or hoarding erected or used principally for the purpose of displaying advertisements shall be maintained in a safe condition.


c) Where an advertisement is required under these Regulations to be removed, the removal shall be carried out to the reasonable satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


d) No advertisement is to be displayed without the permission of the owner of the site or any other person with an interest in the site entitled to grant permission.


e) No advertisement shall be sited or displayed so as to obscure, or hinder the ready interpretation of, any road traffic sign, railway signal or aid to navigation by water or air, or so as otherwise to render hazardous the use of any highway, railway, waterway (including and coastal waters) or aerodrome (civil or military).




Informative: Working Practices

The Local Planning Authority found the submitted details satisfactory subject to the imposition of appropriate planning conditions and has worked in a positive and proactive manner in dealing with the planning application.



23/1490/FUL S H E House Macklin Avenue, Cowpen Lane Industrial Estate, Billingham Partial demolition and sub-division of existing building into 45no self-storage units (Use Class B8) and 4no employment units (Use Class B2/B8), erection of 4no employment buildings (Use Class B2/B8) and 36no starter units (Use Class B2/B8) with associated infrastructure including access and landscaping pdf icon PDF 261 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to planning application 23/1490/FUL S H E House, Macklin Avenue, Cowpen Lane Industrial Estate, Billingham.


Planning permission was sought for the partial demolition and sub-division of existing building into 45no self-storage units (Use Class B8) and 4no employment units (Use Class B2/B8), erection of 4no employment buildings (Use Class B2/B8) and 36no starter units (Use Class B2/B8) with associated infrastructure including access and landscaping at an employment site known as SHE House in Macklin Avenue, Cowpen Lane Industrial Estate, Billingham.


The site was allocated in the local plan for employment uses under Policies SD4 and EG1(i) and therefore the principle of development for this use, in this location was acceptable.


The consultees that had been notified and the comments that had been received were detailed within the main report.


Neighbours were notified and the comments received were detailed within the main report.


The planning policies and material planning considerations that were relevant to the consideration of the application were contained within the main report.


The Planning Officers report concluded that the application be recommended for approval with conditions as detailed within the report.


Objectors attended the meeting and were given the opportunity to make representation. Their comments could be summarised as follows:


. Disappointed the applicant chose not to consult with their neighbours on the plans.


. The current plans were proposing overdevelopment of the site.


. Noise pollution had not been considered.


. Predictions in the traffic and noise survey were simply estimates and there was a high degree of uncertainty of the exact use of the industrial units. Should approval be given for B2 and B8 use, the units could be used for any general industrial, storage and / or distribution facilities.


. The proposed 36 starter units were packed in so tightly that the turning circles could only cater for small vehicles, therefore there would be an impact on noise disturbance from Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) and forklift truck acoustic warning signs.


. The images in the design access statement were the most concerning which showed the units being used with open doors. This created more uncertainty regarding the noise assessment figures which would rely heavily on the sound reduction properties of the building fabric.


. The design of the proposed development seemed to be more appropriate with B1 use which would be in keeping with the office space currently to the rear of the site which was proposed to be demolished as part of the application.


. The requirement for noise monitoring equipment, which was conditioned, was appreciated, however, with the degree of uncertainty of noise that could come from the site, residents would have to rely on enforcement and mitigation measures after the fact which did not afford adequate protection for residents who would be left suffering the effects in the interim.


. We should work with the applicant to try and find a mutually agreeable solution.


. This authority had a duty to protect, and where possible enhance the health and  ...  view the full minutes text for item P/47/23


22/2559/REM 239 Oxbridge Lane, Stockton-on-Tees Reserved matters application for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 2no dwelling house with detached garages. pdf icon PDF 289 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to planning application 22/2559/REM, 239 Oxbridge Lane, Stockton on Tees.


The Reserved Matters application sought planning permission for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 2no dwellinghouses with detached garages.


An outline application at site (Ref: 19/1873/OUT) had been approved on 15th January 2020. The outline application sought permission for all matters reserved for the erection of 2no dormer bungalows with associated garages and private access road.


As outline planning permission had been granted for 2no residential dwellings on the site, the principle of development had been accepted and therefore the main considerations in determining the application were in relation to the detail of the reserved matters.


The site layout and the scale of the dwellings were comparable to that which was stipulated within the outline permission. Although the dwelling’s footprints had increased from the outline permission’s indicative site plan, their footprint was considered to be comparable to the surrounding pairs of semi-detached dwellings located on Merville Avenue and Grosvenor Road and their heights in line with controlling planning conditions within 19/1873/OUT. In addition to this, given the generous proportions of the site and revisions made to the scheme through the planning process, the site was considered to be able to comfortably accommodate the proposed pairs of dwellings and associated amenity spaces, access routes, hard landscaping and detached garages.


The consultees that had been notified and the comments that had been received were detailed within the main report.


Neighbours were notified and the comments received were detailed within the main report.


The planning policies and material planning considerations that were relevant to the consideration of the application were contained within the main report.


The Planning Officers report concluded that the application site benefited from outline permission for a dwellinghouse. Overall, it was considered that the proposed development was acceptable in terms of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale and it was considered that the site could satisfactorily accommodate the proposal without any undue impact on the amenity of any adjacent neighbours.


It was considered that the reserved matters were in general accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and the Development Plan policies and therefore the recommendation was to approve the reserved matters application subject to the conditions set out in the report.


The Applicant was in attendance at the meeting in order to respond to any Member questions if needed.


Members were given the opportunity to ask questions / make comments. These could be summarised as follows:


. Officers’ recommendations in the outline planning application were contradictory to the report in front of Members today.  Details were given of the sizes of the dwellings. The development was too much because of its overall scale and the overbearing massing.


. Concerns were raised relating to the loss of trees and the increase in the dwelling sizes which was a lot from the original proposals.


. Neighbouring properties would be overlooked.


. A suggestion was made that a condition be included that parking spaces should be  ...  view the full minutes text for item P/48/23