Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 29th September, 2021 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
19  Evacuation Procedure
21  Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting which were held on 21st May, 2nd June, 8th July and 9th August 2021
22  21/0729/RET - 342 Norton Road, Norton, TS20 2PN - Retrospective change of use application of former taxi base for breeding of dogs.
  Planning Committee report 
  Appendix 1 - Site Location Plan 
  Appendix 2 - Applicants management plan 
23  1. Appeal - The Carrs Angling Lakes, Letch Lane, Carlton, Mr Thomas Andrew - 20/2750/OUT - ALLOWED WITH CONDITIONS - 2. Appeal - The Barns, Cherry Cottage, Blakeston Lane, Stockton-On-Tees, Mr J Corner - 20/2345/CPL - DISMISSED - 3. Appeal - 9 Bridgewater, Leven Bank, Yarm, Mr David Whaite - 21/0336/FUL - ALLOWED WITH CONDITIONS - COSTS - DISMISSED
  1. Appeal 
  2 Appeal 
  3. Appeal 
  3 Appeal - COSTS