Venue: Jim Cooke Conference Suite, Stockton Central Library, Stockton - on - Tees, TS18 1TU
Contact: Sarah Whaley Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Minutes: The Evacuation Procedure was noted. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report on planning application 23/0975/REM.
Outline planning permission with all matters reserved was approved by Planning Committee on the 9 August 2021, for demolition of existing structures, including shopping centre, hotel and multi storey car park for the erection of new mixed use building(s) incorporating Use Classes E and/or F1 and/or F2, re-alignment and bridging over the A1305, creation of new urban park, performance space and pavilions, public realm improvements, and associated hard and soft landscaping, parking, vehicular access, highways alterations and servicing provision (21/0786/OUT). Work had commenced on the demolition and work was ongoing.
The application sought reserved matters approval for phase 1 of the development which was the new Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC). The principle of development had been accepted through the approval of the outline permission and this application was for the more detailed consideration of the access, appearance, scale, layout and scale (the reserved matters).
The building was a modern functional building and changes had been made to the elevational treatment to create some texture and depth which would add some interest to the façade. Materials would complement those already found within the town centre.
The access was via Tower Street and a new four-arm mini-roundabout would be provided. The internal layout of the site was sufficient to accommodate the efficient delivery of goods, and access by service and emergency vehicles.
The application had been considered in full and there were no policy or consultation objections to the proposals subject to a number of conditions which had been recommended.
The application was recommended for approval with conditions as detailed within the report.
Consultees were notified and the comments that had been received were detailed within the report.
Neighbours were notified and no comments were received.
With regard to planning policy where an adopted or approved development plan contained relevant policies, Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 required that an application for planning permissions should be determined in accordance with the Development Plan(s) for the area, unless material considerations indicated otherwise. In this case the relevant Development Plan was the Stockton on Tees Borough Council Local Plan 2019.
Section 143 of the Localism Act came into force on the 15 January 2012 and required the Local Planning Authority to take local finance considerations into account, this section s70(2) Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended requires in dealing with such an application the authority should have regard to a) the provisions of the development plan, so far as material to the application, b) any local finance considerations, so far as material to the application and c) any other material considerations.
The planning policies that were considered to be relevant to the consideration of this application were detailed within the main report.
The Applicant attended the meeting and was given the opportunity to make representation. His comments could be summarised as follows:
- The application represented significant investment and would help to bridge the gap between communities and ... view the full minutes text for item P/17/23 |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Appeals were noted. |