Agenda and draft minutes

Corporate Parenting Board - Tuesday 16th April, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: No Limits Hub, Ramsgate, Stockton on Tees

Contact: Michael Henderson 

No. Item


Evacuation Procedure pdf icon PDF 254 KB


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 9 February 2024 (to follow)


The minuets of the meeting held on 9 February 2024 were confirmed as a correct record.


Welcome and Introductions; Purpose of the Board


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, which was being held at the recently opened No Limits Hub for children in our care and care leavers. Members, officers and other attendees introduced themselves and the Chair provided a brief overview of the purpose of the Board.


Members noted that work was ongoing to identify suitable representatives to serve on the Board, from partner organisations.  It was suggested that a representative be sought from the DWP.


Presentation on Lifelong Links pdf icon PDF 339 KB


The Board considered a presentation relating to the Lifelong links programme.


Members noted that the aim of the programme was to ensure that a child in care had a positive support network around them to help them during their time in care and into adulthood.


Members noted the key principles, benefits of the plan, what had been achieved and what the ambition was.


The Board was asked to contribute, as follows:-


-‘Relationships’ to be a key theme within CPB

- Support the inclusion of Care Experienced Children and Young People in the programme

- Enable and support the workforce to be able to implement the programme to achieve best outcomes.

- Reinforce communication of the benefits and outcomes of the programme

- Lifelong links to be reviewed within the CPB agenda on a quarterly basis.


Discussion and key issues, included:-


-           A link to a video ‘Sandy’s Story’ would be forwarded to members.

-           Once established the programme would look at areas such as unaccompanied asylum seekers, young people leaving prison.

-           The programme would include Stockton children living out of area.

-           It was planned to include 26 young people in the next 12 months but this would be expanded

-           It was envisaged that the programme would be embedded in social care.

-           A performance framework had been created and there would be an independent evaluation of the programme.  It was hoped that officers would be able to clearly show the success and sustainability of the programme.

-           The principles of the programme, and a great deal of the work was  already embedded in Stockton.  A key part of success was having strong relationships with carers e.g. Homes, Foster carers etc




1.         the Board agree its support and contribution to the programme, as described above, however, given the frequency of the Board’s meeting it was agreed that updates would be provided every 4 months.


2.         The discussion be noted and actioned as appropriate.


Update on No Limits Hub


Members received an update on the No Limits Hub.


-           The building had not been used for a short period, in order to address one or two safety issues.

-           There were plans to decorate and furnish the hub.

-           Young people would be encouraged and supported to apply for grants to bring items and activities to the Hub. There would need to be balance between activities that would raise aspirations and improve young people’s outcomes, in life, and more recreational activities.


The Council had a commitment to maintain the Hub at its current building. PAs would be flexible and would work between their teams and the Hub.


There were plans to create a study group to assist young people who had missed out on some critical parts of learning, such as Maths and English.


The success of the Hub would be measured by metrics like Education, Employment and Training data, reductions in low mood, surveys of young people, Hub usage, young people’s feedback to the Board.


It was suggested that a 6 monthly newsletter could be produced.


RESOLVED that the update be noted.


Update on Lets Take Action and Participation offer


The Board noted that a Children’s Participation Manager had taken up their post on 11 March 2024 and had had an immediate positive impact.


Work had been undertaken relating to a large scale survey called Bright Spots, by Coram. The survey was important in getting the views of young people, including very young children. The results would be reported to the Board, at a future meeting.


The report included details of work undertaken and planned next steps.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.


Corporate Parenting Promise : draft for review


The Board considered a presentation providing a draft Corporate Parenting Promise. The presentation would be circulated to members.


It was agreed that members and other attendees feedback any comments to Children’s Services and a meeting be arranged to consider this matter further


RESOLVED that the report be noted


Feedback on Care Experienced Mock Inspection


Members considered an overview of the feedback and identified learning from the Mock Inspection of the Service for Care Experienced Young People.


There was a request that the care leavers and practice guidance be circulated.


Young People, who indicated that they didn’t want a access services, was recognised, but they were informed that the Council was still here for them and ‘the door was always open’. Keeping In Touch guidance had been developed to reflect this.


RESOLVED that the update be noted.


Structure of the Board and Next Meeting


Consideration would be given to issues that members had raised around their availability for board meetings and joint informal meetings, with children and young people. It was suggested that meetings of the board continue in line with what had previously been scheduled.  However, the meeting held with children and young people would be held at 6pm on flexible days that would attempt to maximise the availability of all members.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 97 KB


No Limits Hub Update to come to the Board every 4 months.