Agenda and minutes

Children and Young People Select Committee - Wednesday 13th December, 2023 5.00 pm

Venue: Jim Cooke Conference Suite, Stockton Central Library, Church Road, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 ITU

Contact: Scrutiny Support Officer Rachel Harrison 

No. Item


Evacuation Procedure pdf icon PDF 9 KB


The evacuation procedure was noted.


Declarations of Interest


There were no interests declared.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 179 KB

To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 15 November 2023.


AGREED that the minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2023 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Scrutiny Review of Narrowing the Gap in Educational Attainment pdf icon PDF 325 KB

-       To receive a presentation on the new team around the school partnership offer.

-       To consider engagement activity to support the Appreciative Inquiry Scrutiny.


The Select Committee received a presentation on the Appreciative Inquiry work relating to the new team around the school partnership offer. The work, which focused on early help, linked in with the Select Committee’s review.




The presentation covered:




The vision for 2030


What was already going well in Stockton-on-Tees


What would be different for families?


Vision for the team around the school and desired impact


Model options 


Targeted Support


Graduated Response Model


School Navigator role and function




Key issues highlighted and discussed:




The vision was “To transform the Team around the school offer and design services that schools, and young people say they want and are important to them.”


The support would be accessible, empathetic and welcoming front-line teams with rapid response to need and personalised, individualised support


The targeted support option would provide a multifaceted, enhanced and co-ordinated early help offer across all schools, that deployed resources based upon evidence-based need and ensured pupils were getting the right support at the right time


The Early Help School Navigator role and function included:


Brokerage and co-ordination of support


Thresholds guidance and consultancy


Direct work and intervention


Partnership working


System change and thinking


The proposed graduated response looked at four potential offers:


Platinum – Navigators based in schools 2.5 days per week


Gold – Navigators based in schools 2 days per week


Silver – Navigators based in schools 1 day per week


Bronze – Navigators based in school 0.5 days per week


The navigator role was a specialist role but was aimed at growing capacity within school settings. The navigators would not be new posts, instead existing resource would be used in a difference way to support the work


Next steps would involve a series of co-production sessions with clusters of schools to engage them in collaborative design of the team around the school offer, which would potentially change some of the offer as it currently stood


Whilst it was recognised that some children needed specialist provision, the Government was encouraging schools to educate SEND pupils within mainstream schools


Funding pressures on schools were acknowledged and the navigator role would help schools to take full advantage of support already available




In the spirit of collaborative working, officers were finalising engagement activity with stakeholders and further information would be brought to the January meeting.




AGREED that the information be noted.


Select Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 126 KB


A series of presentations were being arranged utilising scheduled Committee meetings. The presentations would provide background and context for the Select Committee’s work and would include:




New Attendance Strategy 


Early Help Appreciative Inquiry


Vulnerable Groups - Outcomes and Activities 


Case Studies and Best Practice




AGREED that the Work Programme be noted.