Agenda and minutes

Executive Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 28th March, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Jim Cooke Conference Suite, Stockton Central Library, Church Road, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1TU

Contact: Democratic Services Manager, Judy Trainer, Email: [email protected] 

No. Item


Evacuation Procedure pdf icon PDF 9 KB


The Committee noted the evacuation and housekeeping procedure.



Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 181 KB

To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 17 January 2023.


AGREED the minutes of the meeting held on 17 January 2023 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Scrutiny Work Programme 2023/24 - Selection of In-Depth Scrutiny Reviews pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Additional documents:


Scrutiny Work Programme 2023/24 – Selection on In-Depth Scrutiny Reviews


The Select Committee considered a report summarising suggestions for in-depth scrutiny review.


Councillors and officers had been invited to submit topic suggestions for the scrutiny work programme for 2023/24. The suggestions had been prioritised and the topics scored “above the line” were listed by Select Committee.


Scrutiny Liaison Forum had met on 14 March to discuss the prioritisation of topics and their views had been incorporated into the draft work programme for consideration by Executive Scrutiny Committee. The draft work programme would be re-submitted to the Executive Scrutiny Committee following the local elections for re-consideration and approval.


AGREED that the draft work programme of in-depth scrutiny reviews for 2023/24 be approved as follows:


Select Committee


Potential Topics (in order of start date)

Adult Services

and Health


·       Access to GP and Primary Care

·       Adult Safeguarding



and Young People


·       Narrowing the Gap in Educational Attainment

·       HAF Programme


Crime and Disorder


·       Safety of staff in the Night Time Economy

·       Play Area Distribution, Maintenance and Physical Accessibility




·       Cost of Living Response

·       Disabled Facilities Grants

·       Adult Carers’ Service




·       Domestic Waste Collections, Kerbside Recycling and Green Waste Collections

·       Roadside Advertising






Executive Summary for Information - Final Report of the Crime and Disorder Select Committee - Tree Asset Management pdf icon PDF 200 KB


The Committee considered the Executive Summary from the Crime and Disorder Select Committee’s review of Tree Asset Management which had been considered by Cabinet in February 2023.


AGREED that the Executive Summary be noted.



Executive Summary for Information - Final Report of the People Select Committee - Home Energy Efficiency and Green Jobs for the Future pdf icon PDF 111 KB


The Committee considered the Executive Summary from the People Select Committee’s review of Home Energy Efficiency and Green Jobs for the Future which had been considered by Cabinet in February 2023.


AGREED that the Executive Summary be noted.



Executive Summary for Information - Final Report of the Place Select Committee - Planning (Development Management) and Adoption of Open Space pdf icon PDF 120 KB


The Committee considered the Executive Summary from the Place Select Committee’s review of Planning (Development Management) and Adoption of Open Space which had been considered by Cabinet in February 2023.


AGREED that the Executive Summary be noted.



Select Committee Chairs' Updates pdf icon PDF 179 KB

Additional documents:


Select Committee Chairs’ Updates


Members were provided with updates from the Chairs of each Select Committee. Updates and discussion included:




Adult Social Care and Health Select Committee -


Representatives of North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust (NTHFT) had attended the last meeting to provide their annual presentation to the Committee on the Trust’s Quality Account. The Quality Account summarised the Trust’s performance over the course of 2022-23. A statement of assurance would be prepared and submitted to the Trust on behalf of the Select Committee.


Following the update provided at the previous Committee meeting in February 2023, further clarity had been requested from NTHFT regarding its community midwifery service and the offer of post-natal home-visits / requirement for attendance at Endurance House. Members reiterated their concerns raised by those using the service.


A progress update has been considered at the last meeting in relation to implementation of the recommendations from the previous Scrutiny Review of Day Opportunities for Adults.  The Select Committee commended officers for the considerable progress made in such a short space of time and acknowledged that the developments would have significant benefits for those accessing these services. 


Children and Young People Select Committee -


Members noted the update from the Children and Young People Select Committee Chair.


Crime and Disorder Select Committee –


Members noted the update from the Crime and Disorder Select Committee Chair.


People Select Committee -


Members noted the update from the People Select Committee Chair.


Place Select Committee -


A progress update had been considered in relation to the implementation of the recommendations from the previous Scrutiny Review of Residents’ Parking Zones. A flowchart had been developed to help Members and residents navigate their way through the new process and a Members’ Briefing Session would be held following the local elections.


The Select Committee Chair highlighted the invaluable work of the Crustacean Deaths Collaborative Working Group being led by Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council. Work would continue post-election and a new Member representative would need to be appointed.


Cllr Mrs Sylvia Walmsley thanked Cllr Chris Barlow for attending the Crustacean Deaths Collaborative Working Group meetings as an additional responsibility as Place Select Committee Chair.


AGREED that the updates be noted.




Overview and Scrutiny End of Term Report (2019 - 2023) pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny End-of-Term Report for 2019 – 2023. The report highlighted all work undertaken across the Council’s scrutiny committees as well as joint arrangements. The End-of-Term Report would be presented to Cabinet and Council in line with the Council’s constitution and statutory guidance.


Members paid tribute to the effective and robust scrutiny arrangements at Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council which provided a widely recognised and effective model of support and challenge to the Executive. The Committee also highlighted the wide variety and number of reviews which had been completed over a difficult four-year period and throughout the COVID pandemic.


Cllr Pauline Beall commented that the Tees Valley Combined Authority were keen to learn from Stockton’s scrutiny arrangements and asked that a copy of the End of Term report be shared with them. This was discussed and agreed.


AGREED that the End-of-Term Report be approved and submitted to Cabinet and Council in line with the Council’s constitution and statutory guidance.



Forward Plan of Key Decisions pdf icon PDF 115 KB


AGREED that the Forward Plan be noted.


Chair's Update and Executive Scrutiny Work Programme pdf icon PDF 108 KB


The Chair took the opportunity to express her thanks to all Members for their work over the past four years and, in particular, those stepping down from office; she also thanked the officers from Democratic Services for all their support to the Select Committees.


Members also thanked the Chair and Vice Chair of Executive Scrutiny Committee for their commitment to their roles over the last four years.


AGREED that the work programme be noted.