Venue: Jim Cooke Conference Suite, Stockton Central Library, Church Road, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 1TU
Contact: Scrutiny Officer Michelle Gunn
No. | Item |
Minutes: |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: |
To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 7 October 2024 Minutes: |
Progress Update on Previously Agreed Recommendations - Review of Cost of Living Response Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a progress update including assessments of progress following implementation of the recommendations from the Scrutiny Review of Cost of Living Response. This was the first time the update had been presented to the Committee, and all recommendations were on track.
The pension credit drop-in sessions that had taken place were noted and dates for further sessions would be confirmed. It was questioned whether any events would take place in Billingham, as there had not been a session in the town and were informed that there was due to be an engagement event held in Billingham in January 2025 where several services and agencies would be giving advice, including on pension credits. However, it was noted that more events were needed in Billingham.
Members were also informed that the work of the Fairer Stockton-on-Tees team had been shortlisted for several APSE Awards.
The Committee were also presented with an update on the School Uniform Action Plan. It was highlighted that work was ongoing to ensure pre-loved uniforms were available in a range of settings rather than schools only, as well as encouraging the use of the term eco-uniforms. This was welcomed by the Committee.
The school uniform survey conducted by Stockton & District Advice & Information Service was also highlighted. The results of the survey would be shared with schools to try to influence their uniform policies to ensure that parents were able to purchase items from a wider range of retailers. It was noted that the Northern Education Trust had updated their policy.
AGREED that Progress Update be noted, and the assessment of progress be confirmed. The next progress update would be presented in six months.
Scrutiny Review of Disabled Facilities Grant Additional documents:
Members questioned whether adaptations remained in registered provider properties once the person vacated the property. Officers informed that currently properties were being advertised on Tees Valley Home Finder with the adaptations, and these were only being removed from the properties if they were no longer viable. The reasons for the adaptations no longer being viable included coming to the end of their lifespan or no longer under warranty.
Members further questioned whether officers were informing registered providers tenants making DFG applications to apply to their landlord for an adaptation. Members were informed that tenants of registered providers were entitled to apply for a DFG and an application would not be refused due to their landlord. However, DFG’s were means tested and an application may be refused due to this, whereas if they had applied direct to their landlord the adaptation may be approved. Officers were explaining this to applicants.
The Customer Survey data, which included results from April 2024, was noted. It was highlighted that while the results were positive, the questions asked focussed on the works being carried out, and it would be useful in future to also ask for feedback regarding the application process and waiting period.
The Committee also considered the feedback from the workshop that Foundations carried out with the DFG team in September 2024. The feedback highlighted the team’s commitment to supporting residents, their strong collaboration with social care and the effectiveness of the fast-track process for stairlifts and ramps. It also recognised the challenges the team faced due to staffing issues but acknowledged the recent recruitment of an experienced DFG Manager that would bring valuable expertise. The feedback highlighted several areas for improvement, and these focussed on enhancing communication with applicants during the waiting period, ensuring detailed information was provided, and streamlining processes. They key issues highlighted were:
Chairs Update and Select Committee Work Programme 2024 - 205 Minutes: Consideration was given to the Work Programme.
The next meeting would be informal and held on Monday 2 December 2024.
AGREED that the Work Programme be noted.