Venue: Forum Theatre Auditorium, Billingham Forum, The Causeway, Billingham, TS23 2LJ
Contact: Democratic Services Officer, Peter Bell
No. | Item |
Evacuation Procedure The Chief Executive Officer will advise all present of the premise evacuation procedure in the event of an emergency. |
Civic Welcome The Mayor will officially welcome everyone to the ceremony. |
Apologies for Absence |
Council's Constitution The Mayor will move, for approval, the Council’s Constitution
The Council’s Constitution is available to view on the Council’s website at:-
Long Service Awards The Worshipful the Mayor will recognise the contribution of long serving staff by presenting them with a certificate of achievement.
Mayor's Civic Awards Scheme The Worshipful the Mayor will recognise the achievements of those who have been successfully nominated for a Mayor’s Civic Award.
- The Green Award – Bruce Burnell - Young Person Award – Elliot Gordon - Services to the Community Award – Groups/Organisations – Vision 25 - Services to the Community Award – Individual – Garry Bell - Services to the Community Award – Business – RiverShack - Health & Wellbeing Award – Infant Hercules - Carer / Foster Carer Award – Doug and Carolyn Brewster - Mayor’s Special Award – Tony Campbell |
Presentation to Mayor's Charities - Eastern Ravens Trust - North East Autism Society |
Presentation of Silver Salver to Retiring Deputy Mayor |
Appointment of The Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2024/25 The Mayor will invite nominations for the office of Mayor.
Councillor Tony Riordan will propose and Councillor Niall Innes will second that Councillor John Gardner be elected Mayor.
The motion(s) will be put to the meeting.
The appointed Mayor will read and sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
The Mayoral Party will then retire.
The Mayoral Party will return to the stage. |
Return of Thanks for Appointment by The Mayor The Mayor will address the meeting and thank the Council for his appointment. |
Vote of Thanks to Retired Mayor Councillor Bob Cook will propose and Councillor Lisa Evans will second a vote of thanks to the retired Mayor for the admirable way in which he has discharged his duties during his term of office. |
Presentation of Medallions and Commemorative Digital Album to the Retired Mayor and Mayoress |
Address by the Retired Mayor The Retired Mayor will address the meeting. |
Appointment of the Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2024/25 The Mayor will invite nominations for the office of Deputy Mayor.
Councillor Tony Riordon will propose and Councillor Niall Innes will second that Councillor Stephen Richardson to be appointed Deputy Mayor.
The motion(s) will be put to the meeting.
The appointed Deputy Mayor will read and sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
The Mayor will invest the Deputy Mayor with the Chain of Office and the Mayoress will invest the Deputy Mayoress Sophie Craig with the Chain of Office |
Return of Thanks for Appointment by the Deputy Mayor |
Presentation of Floral Arrangements |
Presentation of Bible to the Mayor by the Mayor's Chaplain Reverend Paul Neville will present the Bible to the Mayor. |
Meetings of Council To agree to Meetings of the Council being held at 6.00pm (except where otherwise stated) during the Municipal Year on the following dates:-
29 May 2024 24 July 2024 18 September 2024 20 November 2024 22 January 2025 19 February 2025 (Special - MTFP) 19 March 2025 2 April 2025 (Annual Meeting - 11.00 am) |
Announcement of Cabinet Members for 2024/27 The Leader of the Council will address the meeting and will announce his Cabinet Members for 2024/27. |
Announcement of Assistant Cabinet Members for 2024/27 The Leader of the Council will address the meeting and will announce his Assistant Cabinet Members for 2024/27. |
Additional documents: |
Corporate Parenting Promise |
The Mayor will close the Meeting
Jonathan Nertney Proper Officer 22 March 2024 |