Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday 20th November, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Baptist Tabernacle Auditorium, The Square, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1TE

Contact: Democratic Services Officer, Peter Bell 

No. Item


Welcome and Evacuation Procedure


The Worshipful the Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and outlined the arrangements for the meeting.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 201 KB

To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 18 September 2024.


Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 18 September 2024.


A correction to the minutes was moved by Cllr Tony Riordan and agreed by Council as follows:-


Members Question Time, page 19, fifth paragraph, after the words £300k for the Hotel include the words:-


“plus a £200k insurance payout,”


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 18 September 2024 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Public Question Time


The Worshipful the Mayor informed the meeting that there were no Public Questions.


Appointments to Committees and Joint Bodies for 2023/27 pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report on appointments to vacancies on Council committees, boards, panels and joint bodies in accordance with the wishes of the Conservative Group, which was entitled to the seats under political proportionality requirements.


RESOLVED that the following appointments be made:-


Audit and Governance Committee - Cllr Mohammed Mazi

Appointments Panel - Cllr Mohammed Mazi

Corporate Parenting Board - Cllr Jack Miller

Members’ Advisory Panel - Cllr Jack Miller

Adults Social Care and Health Select Committee - Cllr Jack Miller

Statutory Licensing Committee - Cllr Jason French

General Licensing - Cllr John Coulson

River Tees Port Health Authority - Cllr Mohammed Mazi

Joint Tees Valley Health Scrutiny - Cllr Jack Miller


The Stockton-on-Tees Plan 2024-2028 pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report that provided Council with the final draft of the Stockton-on-Tees Plan 2024-2028.


Cabinet approved the draft Stockton-on-Tees Plan for stakeholder consultation in October 2024 and a period of consultation took place from 18th October until the 4th November 2024. The Plan was also be considered by Executive Scrutiny Committee on 19th November 2024.


The Stockton-on-Tees Plan had been developed to reflect the drivers and priorities for the Council, our partners and most importantly communities.


A high-level analysis of data had been carried out to give a picture of performance and to set a baseline.


The voice of communities had also informed the development of a draft Vision for the Borough:


Stockton-on-Tees is home – a warm and friendly place, where we welcome others and come together as a single community. We are a diverse and inspiring Borough, culturally rich and with confidence in a future that we can all share and be proud of. At the economic heart of Tees Valley, we are a dynamic, safe and healthy place, where everyone can grow and succeed. We work together to reduce inequalities and remove barriers to opportunity. We are Team Stockton-on-Tees.


Five priority areas were proposed as the focus of our activity to turn the vision into reality. These were:


           The best start in life to achieve big ambitions

           Healthy and Resilient Communities 

           A Great Place to Live, Work and Visit

           An Inclusive Economy 

           A Sustainable Council


Further detail on each of these priorities was attached to the report.  


There was wide engagement with communities and Elected Members in developing the draft plan. A formal consultation on the draft plan was used to gather any final views ahead of Council approval. The consultation was live from the 18th October until the 4th November 2024 and no responses were received.


It was noted that the comments made by the Executive Scrutiny Committee held on 19 November 2024 would be noted/actioned by officers.


RESOLVED that the Stockton-on-Tees Plan (as attached at Appendix 1 of the report) be approved.


Powering Our Future - Prudential Borrowing Requirements pdf icon PDF 330 KB


Consideration was given to a report that sought approval for prudential borrowing to enable delivery of transformation projects approved by Cabinet on 17th October 2024. The requirement of £4.3m of prudential borrowing for the acquisition of food and recycling waste receptacles, green waste bins, site preparation costs for a Waste Transfer Station and resurfacing of Wellington Square car park.


The Powering our Future Update report to Cabinet on 17th October 2024 outlined a number of service changes through the Transformation Mission. The report to Cabinet was included as an appendix which provides more detail on each of the proposals.


Upfront investment was required to enable some of these service changes and these are detailed below:-


a)         Green Waste – a one-off capital cost of £1,000,000 to purchase 40,000 green waste bins

b)         Waste Transfer Station – site preparation costs of £1,100,000

c)         New Waste Receptacles - £1,200,000

d)         Car Parking – Resurface Wellington Square - £1,000,000


The total investment required was £4.3m. If the Council were to fund these costs upfront, and negate the need for borrowing, this would effectively increase the in-year financial pressure which would increase the need to utilise earmarked reserves. Alternatively the costs could be funded by prudential borrowing, allowing the cost to be spread over a longer period. This allowed the budget savings to be realised straight away, contributing towards the Council’s MTFP. It was therefore recommended that prudential borrowing be used.


The costs of prudential borrowing would be funded by the savings or new income generated from the service changes. This had been factored into the financial implications included within the Cabinet report.


The prudential borrowing repayments and the repayment terms were summarised in a table within the report.


Moved by Councillor Bob Cook, seconded by Councillor Lisa Evans:-


“Approve £4.3m prudential borrowing for the acquisition of food and recycling waste receptacles, green waste bins, site  preparation costs for a Waste Transfer Station and resurfacing of Wellington Square car park.”


Moved by Councillor Tony Riordan, seconded by Councillor Niall Innes that the substantive motion be amended as follows:-


“1. Approve the use of £4.3m from the earmarked reserves and unused borrowing approvals in the capital programme, for the acquisition of food and recycling waste receptacles, green waste bins, site preparation costs for a Waste Transfer Station and resurfacing of Wellington Square car park.


2. £3.3m in the earmarked reserves to be utilised for the acquisition of food and recycling waste receptacles, green waste bins and site preparation costs for a Waste Transfer Station. £1m to be utilised from the unused borrowing approvals in the capital programme, Reshaping our Town Centres, for the resurfacing of Wellington Street Car Park”


At this point and in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 3.65 Councillor Niall Innes requested that a recorded vote be taken; which was supported by at least a quarter of the members present:-


Members in favour of the amendment:-


Cllr Diane Clarke OBE, Cllr John Coulson, Cllr Jason French, Cllr John Gardner, Cllr Lynn Hall, Cllr  ...  view the full minutes text for item COU/55/24


Members' Question Time pdf icon PDF 120 KB


Member Question submitted by Cllr Ted Strike for response by the Leader of the Council (Cllr Bob Cook):-


“Can the Cabinet Member advise me how many buildings SBC own or rent in the Borough?”


The Leader of the Council responded with:-


“Details on land and property owned by the Council can be found on the Council’s website, obviously this will change from time to time, officers will send you the link to the page (Land and property owned by the Council - Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council)  Whilst some assets will be individual buildings, many will be a collection of buildings under a single asset name, for example, a School.”


Member Question submitted by Cllr Lynn Hall for response by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport (Cllr Clare Besford):-


“Why did the Cabinet hold the September 'drop- in' session reported in the Leader's Blog, by the Strategic Waste Management Team about waste and recycling behind closed doors?


All Councillors need to be involved in the policy making and implementation as we move to a new waste collection model. How can you achieve this without our input? We were told it was to discuss the key milestones for the service plan and delivery as it will affect our residents or is it yet another policy implemented without consultation.”


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport responded with:-


“Thank you Cllr Hall, I am able to advise that Cabinet did not hold the drop-in session behind closed doors. The originally scheduled drop-in session was postponed and an email was sent to all Members on Wednesday 28th August. The rescheduled session took place on 1st October and you were present at that session.


Cllr Hall’s question calls for all parties to be involved in policy making around waste collection.?? As Cllr Hall is aware, the proposed waste collection model, based on weekly collection of recyclables and fortnightly collection of residual waste, was recommended by the cross-party Place Select Committee review of Domestic Waste and Recycling after a thorough and detailed investigation of the issues and options involved. So members have been involved.? We are proud of the fact that work on this complex issue, that affects every household, was developed with members from all political groups and at the Select Committee that made the recommendations and received unanimous support.”


Cllr Lynn Hall asked the following supplementary question:-


“Do you really think green waste figures will be the same next year as they are this year?”


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport responded with:-


“Green waste will be very different next year as we are introducing it as a chargeable service over 36 weeks in-line with the CIFA guidelines.” 


Member Question submitted by Cllr Lynn Hall for response by the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People (Cllr Lisa Evans):-


“Does the Cabinet Member agree with me that Safeguarding training is essential for senior staff as well as front line staff and members and is she assured the systems are robust and fit for  ...  view the full minutes text for item COU/56/24


Forward Plan and Leader’s Statement


The Leader of the Council gave his Forward Plan and Leaders Statement.


Council last met on 18 September. Since then Cabinet had met on 17 October and again on 14 November when and considered the following matters:


           Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) Annual Complaints Report

           Powering Our Future

           The Stockton-on-Tees Plan 2024-2028

           'Going for Gold Family Fun Day'

           Memorandum of Understanding between Stockton on Tees Borough Council and Teesside University

           Procurement Plan / Higher Value Contracts

           Civil Penalty Policy

           Local Accounts for Adults, Health and Wellbeing

           Care & Health Winter Planning Update Oct 2024


Looking forward, the Cabinet was scheduled to meet on 12 December and then on 16 January. Some of the topics that may be coming forward to Cabinet included:


           MTFP Update

           Learning and Skills Governing Body Annual Report

           Sycamores Re-development

           Procurement Plan / Higher Value Contracts

           SIRF and Events Look Back

           Gambling Policy

           School Investment Strategy


The next Council meeting would be on 22 January 2025. Until then, the Leader of the Council wished all Members all the very best for the upcoming festive season. Stockton Sparkles event would start on 28 November the launch from 5pm with an evening full of live music and entertainment, hot food and drinks, and the moment everyone has been waiting for, the Christmas light switch-on.