Agenda and draft minutes

Council - Wednesday 24th July, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Baptist Tabernacle Auditorium, The Square, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1TE

Contact: Democratic Services Officer, Peter Bell 

No. Item


Welcome and Evacuation Procedure


The Worshipful the Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and outlined the arrangements for the meeting.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 139 KB

To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 29 May 2024


Consideration was given to the minutes of the meetings held on 29 May 2024.



RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 29 May 2024 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Public Question Time pdf icon PDF 95 KB


Public Question submitted by Patricia McHale for response by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing (Cllr Nigel Cooke):-


“Why have you chosen to provide housing with the levelling up money for Billingham. This was not our priority in consultation?”


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing responded with:-


“The masterplan for Billingham town centre sets out a mixed-use approach to redevelopment. The redevelopment scheme combines improvements to public realm, new retail floorspace and the redevelopment and reuse of vacant office floorspace along with the delivery of a residential development.  In developing proposals for the centre, the findings from consultation is one element of a broader set of considerations and competing priorities that must be balanced up, including market conditions, local need and the change of ownership of the centre.


In the current circumstances there are a limited number of realistic redevelopment options for the West Precinct site. Demand for affordable housing to support residents requiring both general needs housing and specialist housing is increasing across all areas of our borough, so the inclusion of residential development as part of a broader package of interventions to revitalise the town centre was the most effective and deliverable solution for the centre as well as contributing to wider housing need in the Borough.”


Patricia McHale asked the following supplementary question:-


“With 160 extra houses has consideration been given to the impact this will have on GP services, dental services, schools, parking and social care?”


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing responded with:-


“It is generally accepted that successful town centres going forward are mixed use. Residential, retail, leisure, workplace are all important. The existing town centre has residential space already in it but the space is unfit for occupation so these are the challenges that we need to consider. Any proposal around housing will be subject to the usual planning processes and during those processes the public will have the opportunity to comment on the proposals.”


Public Question submitted by Patricia McHale for response by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing (Cllr Nigel Cooke):-


“Is the planned housing for the west precinct social or private?”


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing responded with:-


“The Council will seek a partner to support delivery for the residential element of the scheme. The specific residential product on the site is as yet undefined and will be influenced by market demand, developer/housing association interest and site viability along with broader considerations in regard to housing need in the Borough. It is anticipated that the site will deliver a range of housing tenures.”


Public Question submitted by Liam McHale for response by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing (Cllr Nigel Cooke):-


“The levelling up money for Billingham, the 2019 survey confirmed residents prioritise building houses extremely low, what alternatives to housing are counsellors proposing for the money?”


Response from the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing (by way of written response in the absence of Liam McHale:-


“The masterplan for Billingham town centre  ...  view the full minutes text for item COU/130/24


Motion submitted by Cllr Niall Innes pdf icon PDF 44 KB


The following motion had been submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 3.40, moved by Councillor Niall Innes, seconded by Councillor Tony Riordan:-


"Stockton Council is a Local Authority that pays more £100,000 plus salaries than many others in the country.


On many occasions decisions to recruit senior management have been taken without the consultation or approval of Full Council.


It is therefore proposed that for any New or Replacement Assistant, Intern or Full Director roles must come before full council for approval, with full justification given as to the requirements of this role and salary.


This also applies for any contractors who are put into such positions."


Following a debate, a vote took place and the motion was not carried.



Enhanced Support for Care Experienced Young People pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Additional documents:


Council was asked to agree that ‘care experience’ was recognised as a locally protected characteristic to demonstrate the Council’s commitment as a Corporate Parent. This would ensure that the Council’s care-experienced young people did not face inequality and that their needs were at the heart of all the Council’s decision-making, alongside other groups who formally shared a protected characteristic.


Members were asked to note the report to Cabinet at Appendix 1, this set out a range of measures to support care-experienced young people. The report included a proposal to be considered by the Council for the recognition of ‘care experience’ as a locally protected characteristic. The rationale for this designation was set out in the Cabinet report.


At this point and in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 3.65 Councillor Steve Nelson  requested that a recorded vote be taken on the proposed recommendations; which was supported by at least a quarter of the members present.


Members in favour of the recommendations:-


Cllr Stefan Barnes,  Cllr Jim Beall, Cllr Pauline Beall, Cllr Michelle Bendelow, Cllr Clare Besford, Cllr Marc Besford, Cllr Carol Clark, Cllr Nigel Cooke, Cllr Robert Cook, Cllr Lisa Evans, Cllr Kevin Faulks, Cllr Nathan Gale, Cllr Ray Godwin, Cllr Barbara Inman, Cllr Eileen Johnson, Cllr Mrs Ann McCoy, Cllr Mick Moore, Cllr Steve Nelson, Cllr Ross Patterson, Cllr Paul Rowling, Cllr Norma Stephenson OBE, Cllr Mick Stoker, Cllr Ted Strike, Cllr Marilyn Surtees, Cllr Sylvia Walmsley, Cllr Paul Weston, Cllr Katie Weston and Cllr Barry Woodhouse.




Cllr Diane Clarke OBE, Cllr John Coulson, Cllr Jason French, Cllr John Gardner,  Cllr Lynn Hall, Cllr Elsi Hampton, Cllr Stefan Houghton, Cllr Shakeel Hussain, Cllr Niall Innes, Cllr David Reynard, Cllr Stephen Richardson, Cllr Tony Riordan, Cllr Susan Scott, Cllr Vanessa Sewell, Cllr Andrew Sherris, Cllr Hugo Stratton, Cllr Jim Taylor, Cllr Laura Tunney, Cllr Hilary Vickers and Cllr Marcus Vickers.


The recommendations were carried by 28 votes for and 20 abstentions.




1. The report to Cabinet identifying a range of measures to support the Council’s care-experienced young people be noted.


2. ‘Care Experienced’ is formally recognised as a locally protected characteristic within the Borough, ensuring that the needs of the Council’s care-experienced young people are prioritised in all Council decision-making processes.


Members' Question Time


There were no Members Questions.


Forward Plan and Leader’s Statement


The Leader of the Council gave his Forward Plan and Leaders Statement.


Council last met on 29 May. Since then, Cabinet had convened on the 17 June and again on the 18 July. These meetings considered the following main matters:


• Thornaby Town Deal

• Billingham Town Centre and Sports Hub         

• Medium-Term Financial Plan Outturn for March 2024           

Xentrall Annual Report for 2023-24       

• Central Stockton & North Thornaby Blueprint 

• Enhanced Support for our Care Experienced Young People

• The Anti-Poverty Strategy           

• The new Defibrillator Policy


Cabinet will meet again on 12 September, where it is anticipated that the following items will be considered:


• An update on the Medium-Term Financial Plan         

• Free School Plans

• The Corporate Parenting Strategy        

• Feedback from the Local Government Association   

• The Race Equality Charter


Looking ahead, the Leader of the Council was excited about the events and activities planned for the Summer within the Borough. The Stockton International Riverside Festival returns to Stockton High Street from Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th August, offering a jam-packed weekend programme. The Community Carnival would also be held on Sunday 4th August. SIRF begins on the 2 August.


After that, the Leader of the Council looked forward to seeing Members at the next Council meeting on 18 September.