Venue: Baptist Tabernacle Auditorium, The Square, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1TE
Contact: Democratic Services Officer, Peter Bell
No. | Item |
Welcome and Evacuation Procedure Minutes: The Worshipful the Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and outlined the arrangements for the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on xxx Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the meetings held on 25 January 2023 and 22 February 2023.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings held on 25 January 2023 and 22 February 2023 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Constitution Update PDF 160 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to a
report on the updated Constitution.
RESOLVED that the amendments specified in the table in the report and shown in tracked changes in the draft amended Constitution be approved and the amended Constitution agreed. |
Public Question Time Minutes: The Head of Legal Services reported that there were no Public Questions. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a
report on the Council Plan 2023-2026.
RESOLVED that the Council Plan 2023-2026 be approved. |
Minutes: Consideration was given to a
report on the Local Design Guide Supplementary Planning
that:- |
Motion 1 Minutes: The following motion had been
submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 3.40, moved by
Cllr Ted Strike, seconded by Cllr Steve
Matthews:- |
Motion 2 Minutes: A motion had been submitted in
accordance with Council Procedure Rule 3.40 by Cllr Kevin Faulks.
Council noted that Councillor Faulks proposed to alter his motion
and the proposed wording had been circulated. The request to alter
the motion received the meeting’s consent and that consent
was signified without discussion. |
Members' Question Time PDF 109 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The following question has been submitted by Councillor Ted Strike for response by the Leader of the Council:-
“Can you confirm that my amendment to this year's budget would have resulted in a balanced budget?”
The Leader of the Council responded with:-
“The alternative budget proposed at Council on 22nd February 2023 produced a balanced budget for 2023/24 but I need to qualify that as if we had accepted that budget we would lost £1.4 million Arts Council grants for 3 years for the SIRF festival and the festival of Thrift so in the end we would have actually lost money.”
Councillor Ted Strike asked the following supplementary question:-
“If it was a balanced budget how could Cllr Nelson’s comment about losing £300k for 3 years be true so therefore it wouldn’t be a balanced budget and the amendment should have never been allowed?”
The Leader of the Council responded with:-
“We would have lost £1.4 million and we would also have lost the two festivals for 3 years and probably forever as the Arts Council were funding these events. The £300k you are talking about is the cost of the festival as if you don’t have them, you will still need to spend that money.”
The following question has been submitted by Councillor Ted Strike for response by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing:-
“Can the council advise me of the current cost of rebuilding Splash, also what is the estimated cost of demolishing Splash?
How much is still owed on the current Splash facility?
And what do the Council intend to do with the land, how much do they expect to receive for the land if they sell it?”
The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing responded with:-
“The current approximate cost for delivering a new leisure centre at the Stockton Waterfront Development is £15m as set out in the report to Cabinet in July 2021. Work is ongoing to progress the design stage of the new leisure facility and therefore update the project cost. There has been some initial design work to RIBA stage 2 undertaken and we are currently working through the procurement exercise to appoint the architect for the detailed design work. We will have final designs and cost details in the summer and then there will be a further report to Cabinet.
The original Splash build was funded through lottery and other grant funding, the extension costed £2.7m in 2008 which was funded through a combination of SBC resources, Sport England Grant and prudential borrowing. The timing of when the Council takes out external borrowing is driven by cashflow requirements and the treasury management strategy, we do not enter into individual loans for specific schemes.
Options for the future use of the existing Splash site, as well as the other sites vacated as a result of the moves to Dunedin House, are being considered alongside the Council’s asset strategy. Any costs associated with the future use, including potential demolition costs will be identified ... view the full minutes text for item COU/83 |
Forward Plan and Leader’s Statement Minutes: The Leader of the Council gave his Forward Plan and Leader’s Statement.
Council last met on 22 February 2023 to consider the Medium-Term Financial Plan and set the Council Budget. Since then, Cabinet had met on 23 February and 16 March when it considered the following matters:
• 12 Month Update from Bright Minds Big Futures. • The Annual Report of The Independent Safety Advisory Group. • Public Space Protection Order. • School Governor appointments. • Scrutiny Reviews of Contextual Safeguarding and Youth Relationships, Tree Asset Management, Home Energy Efficiency and Green Jobs for The Future and Development Management and Adoption of Open Space. • Council Plan 2023-2026. • Social Value Policy. • Annual High Value Procurement Plan. • Events and Cultural Activity Programme for His Majesty King Charles Coronation. • Levelling Up Fund, round 1. • Inclusive Growth. • Local Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document
The Leader of the Council took the opportunity to thank those Members who had decided not to seek re-election to the Council in the elections in May and thanked them for the service they had given to their residents.
The Leader of the Council also reflected on the last four years in which the Council had had to tackle a pandemic which all SBC officers and employees went above and beyond to ensure that the Council was able to deliver services to residents, and the Leader of the Council took the opportunity to thank them.
The Council had also been able to move forward as in planning investments to all the town centres and schools a £57m capital programme of investment in the schools so the young people of the Borough had schools they could be proud of to be able to learn in.
The Globe and the Hilton Hotel had opened and from recent reports were doing well. All Members could be proud that despite the pandemic the Council had been able to have a successful four years.
On the weekend immediately after the elections, there were the celebrations for the coronation of His Majesty the King, there was town centre big lunch event, local street parties or other exciting events and activities. The Leader of the Council hoped everyone had an enjoyable time celebrating this significant national event.
The next meeting of Council would be on 24 May at the Forum Theatre in Billingham. |